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But soon are put to flight
If the bright sun appear,
Thus Jesus will our troubles chase,
By shining from the throne of grace.[1]

Dagon before the Ark.—1 Sam. v, 4, 5.

1 WHEN first, to make mj heart his own,
The Lord reveal d his mighty grace,
Self reign d, like Dagon, on the throne,
But could not long maintain its place.

2 It fell, and own d the power divine,
(Grace can with ease the victory gain,)
But soon this wretched heart of mine
Contrived to set it up again.

3 Again the Lord his name proclaim d,
And brought the hateful idol low ;
Then self, like Dagon, broken, maim d,
Seem d to receive a mortal blow:

4 Yet self is not of life bereft,
JSTor ceases to oppose his will ;
Though but a maimed stump be left,
Tis Dagon tis an idol still.

5 Lord ! must I always guilty prove,
And idols in my heart have room ?
Oh ! let the fire of heavenly love
The very stump of self consume.

The Milch Kine drawing the Ark : Faith's Surrender of all.—I Sam. vi, 12.

1 THE kine unguided went
By the directest road,
When the Philistines homeward sent
The ark of Israel s God.

2 Lowing they pass d along
And left their calves shut up ;

  1. Bookii, Hymn 61.