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ing and Catholic bigotry. In intolerant and barbarous bigotry indeed the writer is only surpassed by the Eclectic reviewer, who affirms that "thousands of unhappy spirits and thousands yet to increase their number, will everlastingly look back with unutterable anguish on the nights and days in which Shakespere ministered to their guilty delights."

"What, (says this Catholic-Methodist,) would our ancient Bishops, the Saints and Doctors of the Gallican Church, have said if they had seen one of their brethren amuse himself with writing Romances! What would St. Loup the Bishop of Troyes have said, he who could not suffer that the Bishop of Auvergne, St. Sidonius Appollinaris, should amuse himself with making verses and speaking in them of Jupiter and Venus and Mars? What would St. Sidonius have said himself, he who so positively assures us, that from the day when he em-