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infinite. Carrying, for example, a current of dry air over bibulous paper moistened by patchouli, the scent taken up by the current absorbs 30 times the quantity of heat intercepted by the air which carries it; and yet patchouli acts more feebly on radiant heat than any other perfume yet examined. Here follow the results obtained with various essential oils, the odour, in each case, being carried by a current of dry air into the tube already employed for gases and vapours:—

Name of perfume. Absorption.
Patchouli 30
Sandal wood 32
Geranium 33
Oil of Cloves 34
Otto of Roses 37
Bergamot 44
Neroli 47
Lavender 60
Lemon 65
Portugal 67
Thyme 68
Rosemary 74
Oil of Laurel 80
Camomile Flowers 87
Cassia 109
Spikenard 355
Aniseed 372