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inflicts a cureless wound on that self-willed person. For that reason, I do not know how to safely expound about that sword here because I see dangers on both sides.

One danger comes when people do not have that sword because they do not know or understand what is written to them for their good. What will they defend themselves with without swords, when God’s word is a spiritual sword against the devil? The second peril comes to those people who know scripture but detrimentally, without the Spirit of God. Such people will also fall into the devil’s hands with that scripture. That it why it seems to me that the people who fear God employ scripture with humility and gladly listen to God’s word wherever it is expounded on by trustworthy teachers so that they use it like a sword against the devil. They listen to what is explained about rejection of the world, the fleshly life, and the vain praise of this world most of all. We have the example from our Savior, how He fought with the devil in those things that pertained to the fleshly life and praise of this world and overcame in everything with God’s word. When a person comprehends the futility of this world and its corrupted existence from God’s word, he can also defend himself against the devil with the wisdom of the Holy Scripture.

That is why the devil tempted the Savior first of all with greed and said to Him, “If you are the Son of God, command this stone to become bread.” (Luke 4: 3) And the Lord Jesus answered him, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.’” (Matthew 4: 4) It is fitting to consider that the devil tempted the Lord Jesus Christ with greed. We should consider that for our own benefit because the Lord Jesus overcame greed, and we are not unwaveringly safe from the devil. Greed has its roots dug in deep because people know little about it and great disbelief occurs in people because of it. People search for unfailing security because of greediness in what food they obtain, and stinginess and cares grow out of that. But when a person would not be seduced by greed, what would possessions or some cares for fleshly things be to him? Where there are not riches, almost every concern of this world ensnares people in greed. For that reason, the devil has many approaches to a person from a distance through greed. It should not be understood about greed that it is only much eating and drinking of various expensive things. Greed is also in whatever kind of food or drink there is when a person wants to always have it safe and secure, even though it is simple and there is little of it. Then a lot of disbelief, care, labor, and unrest are covered up behind that thought and desire. Deeply rooted greed will always appear from the heart because someone, eating three times more, will not exhibit such great evidence of greed from it. The devil also approaches us poor people with that greed unnoticeably, but we have a well-sharpened sword that we can use against the devil.

The devil also tempted the Lord Savior with pride and avarice, and He defended Himself against it all with scripture so that the devil did not overpower Him. We can also overcome our fleshly sins with scripture when the devil would approach–and what is more, with the scriptures of the New Testament, which God gives a person to understand because they lead people clearly into humility, long-suffering, love, and faith. People should remember such scriptures and ask God to give them understanding in them in order that they could stand against the devil with them. But when there are temptations they must be diligent to seek refuge in the gospel, to strengthen themselves, and to come back to their hearts. Of what use is scripture when people neglect to read and converse about it, and in temptation most of all? It is like a useful sword left lying at home when its owner is on the battlefield fighting against enemies, having nothing to strike with. He will fall into their hands. Such will also happen to us because of neglect.