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those who opposed Him. That word where it is said, “he doesn’t bear the sword in vain,” is not the word of eternal life. The word, “Take the sword of the Spirit,” is the word of eternal life. Whoever has that sword of the Spirit can beat all mortal and spiritual enemies with it. But God can also put the living to death and send them to hell with the one that Caesar does not wield in vain.

And the apostle further says:

“Take the helmet of salvation … with all prayer and requests, praying at all times in the Spirit, and being watchful to this end in all perseverance and requests for all the saints: on my behalf, that utterance may be given to me in opening my mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the Good News, for which I am an ambassador in chains…” Prayer is also very necessary for this spiritual battle and for that reason he speaks about prayer after the sword. The Savior also said, “Pray, that you don’t enter into temptation.” (Matthew 26: 41) This entire spiritual battle hinges on temptation and those who want to enter into this battle should pray, because all the armor he named earlier is not enough for this battle against the devil. I am saying that God’s armor does not always suffice against such cruel and cunning hatred. It does not suffice because of our inadequacy in that we are not completely clothed in that armor at all times. It also cannot suffice because no person’s goodness here on earth has the power to stand against the devil’s cruel power, but God’s highest power itself guards a person against the devil’s cruel wickedness.

Therefore, neither understanding nor being able to enter into the battle by ourselves, we should pray to God, always asking for wisdom, strength, and help. And not only help, but that He would condescend to keep us from the devil’s great cunning, since it is beyond our strength and perception, and that He would complete what He began to do in us according to His own work and infinite grace. He has redeemed us from the hand of that cruel devil without our deserving it and will likewise perfect us in His mercy. We should diligently clothe ourselves in this armor of God, on which we rely to cut off our enemy the devil and his great wickedness, so that that which is within our strength and vigilance is not lacking. We should pray to God for what we do not have enough of and that He would strengthen and deliver us from the devil’s hands. It is certain that, when a person understands this peril and calls to God, asking help from Him, the devil does not have the power to tempt a person above that which he is able to resist. God has infinite pity on a person, does not allow him to be tempted beyond what he can bear, and will bring good about through the temptation of the person who prays for deliverance from the strength of the enemy. As Saint Peter says, “The Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptation and to keep the unrighteous under punishment for the day of judgment.” (2 Peter 2: 9) Therefore, since the Lord God wants to deliver us from temptation, we should place great hope in Him and always pray to Him that He would watch over and deliver us from Satan’s wickedness.

Then the apostle commands us to be alert in Him with all diligence. It is all-important to be diligently alert in the battle, to look to Him, and to remain in Him properly in every aspect of faith and love so that we understand the faith and His commandments correctly. We ought to be alert so that we understand Him correctly. We should also be alert in Him, watching out that we are not snatched away from Him. For that reason, we should always have a strict watch over ourselves in everything we do and in everything that is around us, so that the devil does not wickedly approach our hearts at close range, see us self-assured and carefree, and wound us with a mortal blow where we would not get healthy again.