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53. Annular chromosomes of mole-cricket (Wilson, after vom Rath) 181
54-56. Diagrams illustrating a hypothetic field of force in caryokinesis (Prof. W. Peddie) 182-4
57. An artificial figure of caryokinesis (Ledue) 186
58. A segmented egg of Cerebratulus (Prenant, after Coe) 189
59. Diagram of a field of force with two like poles 189
60. A budding yeast-cell 213
61. The roulettes of the conic sections 218
62. Mode of development of an unduloid from a cylindrical tube 220
63-65. Cylindrical, unduloid, nodoid and catenoid oil-globules (Plateau) 222, 3
66. Diagram of the nodoid, or elastic curve 224
67. Diagram of a cylinder capped by the corresponding portion of a sphere 226
68. A liquid cylinder breaking up into spheres 227
69. The same phenomenon in a protoplasmic cell of Trianea 234
70. Some phases of a splash (A. M. Worthington) 235
71. A breaking wave (do.) 236
72. The calycles of some campanularian zoophytes 237
73. A flagellate monad, Distigma proteus (Saville Kent) 246
74. Noctiluca miliaris, diagrammatic 246
75. Various species of Vorticella (Saville Kent and others) 247
76. Various species of Salpingoeca (do.) 248
77. Species of Tintinnus, Dinobryon and Codonella (do.) 248
78. The tube or cup of Vaginicola 248
79. The same of Folliculina 249
80. Trachelophyllum (Wreszniowski) 249
81. Trichodina pediculus 252
82. Dinenympha gracilis (Leidy) 253
83. A "collar-cell" of Codosiga 254
84. Various species of Lagena (Brady) 256
85. Hanging drops, to illustrate the unduloid form (C. R. Darling) 257
86. Diagram of a fluted cylinder 260
87. Nodosaria scalaris (Brady) 262
88. Fluted and pleated gonangia of certain Campanularians (Allman) 262
89. Various species of Nodosaria, Sagrina and Rheophox (Brady) 263
90. Trypanosoma tineae and Spirochaeta anodontae, to shew undulating membranes (Minchin and Fantham) 266
91. Some species of Trichomastix and Trichomonax (Kofoid) 267
92. Herpetomonas assuming the undulatory membrane of a Trypanosome (D. L. Mackinnon) 268
93. Diagram of a human blood-corpuscle 271
94. Sperm-cells of decapod crustacea, Inachus and Galathca (Koltzuff) 273
95. The same, in saline solutions of varying density (do.) 274
96. A sperm-cell of Dromia (do.) 275
97. Chondriosomes in cells of kidney and pancreas (Barratt and Matthews) 285
98. Adsorptive concentration of potassium salts in various plant-cells (Macallum) 290
99-101. Equilibrium of surface-tension in a floating drop 294, 5
102. Plateau's "boureclot" in plant-cells: diagrammatic (Berthold) 298
103. Parenchyma of maize, shewing the same phenomenon 298