Page:On papal conclaves (IA a549801700cartuoft).djvu/208

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prelate of such exemplary nature that, as Archbishop of Ravenna, he conciliated all. His funeral (which took place since the Revolution) was a demonstration of universal sympathy. Of Soglia, it may be remembered that, during the ephemeral period of constitutional government, he figured as Premier of a Cabinet; while of Cardinal Mastai-Ferretti little was known beyond the fact of his having, as Bishop of Imola, acquired much respect, and of his having conducted himself in a charitable spirit on the occasion of revolutionary outbreaks in that neighbourhood. Of the five indicated, his was the name least spoken of, and certainly least familiar. On the opposite side the moving spirit ought also to have been aware that it was useless for him to expect to become Pope. It has grown into an admitted point of Papal electoral custom that a Secretary of State practically forfeits his chances of becoming Pope.[1] But in this instance there were many additional reasons why Cardinal Lambruschini should never be able to ob-

  1. The last instance to the contrary is the election of Cardinal Rospigliosi, Pope Clement IX., 1667.