Page:On papal conclaves (IA a549801700cartuoft).djvu/212

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common effort. It will be borne in mind that the voting goes through two processes—the first being an ordinary ballot, at which each Cardinal has to give his vote; the second, termed technically the accessus, where it is allowable for a Cardinal to transfer his previous vote to any candidate who may have obtained votes on that same previous occasion. The general practice has been to hold each day only one ballot in the forenoon, and a supplemental one, the accessus, in the afternoon; but on the present occasion the Cardinals doubled the votings, so that both morning and evening there was a ballot, followed immediately by its supplement. When the votes on the forenoon of the 13th June were cast up, it was found that Lambruschini had come out with fifteen votes on the two processes, while Mastai counted twelve, the other twenty-three Cardinals having scattered their votes in driblets on a variety of names. The importance of these numbers could not escape observation. The fifteen men who had voted for Lamhruschini would require the addition of only five to make him sufficient master of the Conclave to prevent a canonical majority for any