Page:On papal conclaves (IA a549801700cartuoft).djvu/245

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  • Acessus, the,—the second of the two processes by which election by ballot is performed, 154.
  • Acquaviva, Cardinal, 140.
  • Acton, Cardinal, 188, 200.
  • Adorations received by newly elected Pope, 167, 168
  • Adrian II. (867–72), abduction of his daughter and his wife Stephania, 123.
  • Adrian V. (1276), elected when a layman, 164, and died so, 168; his abrogation of Gregory X's Bull constituting Conclaves, 80, 165.
  • Adrian VI. (1522–23), 135.
  • Agents, confidential, kept about a Conclave. 3.
  • Albani, Cardinal, 67, 124–26, 162.
  • Albani, Dean Cardinal of the Sacred College, 90, 91.
  • Albert, Cardinal Archduke, a layman admitted to Conclave, 125.
  • Alertz, Dr., physician to Gregory XVI., 64.
  • Alexander III. (1159–81), troubles of his reign, 14, 15; his decree as to Papal elections, 16, 24; his dispnsation to Niccola Giustiniani, 121.
  • Alexander VI. (1492–1503), grants authorization to the King of Poland to put away his wife, 208–210; brawl at his funeral, 63, 64.
  • Alexander VII. (1655–67), 70; his Bull as to the alienation of Church property, 174; the Constitutio Moderatoria Donationtum, 181–183.
  • Alexander, Duke of Lithuania, afterwards King of Poland, authorized by Alexander VI. to repudiate his wife,


  • Altieri, Cardinal (under Pius VI.) his renunciation of the purple, 120, 141, 142.
  • Altieri, Cardinal Emilio (Clement X.), 127.
  • Altieri, Cardinal, tactics of, in the Conclave after Gregory XVI.'s death, 194, 195.
  • Andrea, Cardinal, case of, 146–149; see also Appendix B.
  • Angelo, Michael, 113.
  • Anti-Popes during the reign of Alexander III., 14, 15.
  • Antici, Cardinal, his renunciation of the purple, 142, 143.
  • Antonelli, Cardinal (under Pius VI.), 83.
  • Apponyi, Count, Austrian ambassador at Rome, 162.
  • Archives, Italian, materials in, for history of Conclaves, 1, 2; now open to inspection, 4.
  • Arrangements of Vatican Conclaves described, 105 seq.
  • Austria, Crown of, possesses the right of veto in Papal elections, 159.
  • Avignon, residence of the Holy See at, in 14th century, 80, 153.
  • Azeglio, Massimo d', his pamphlet, I casi delle Romagne, 188.
  • Baldassari's work on the times of Pius VI., 82 seq., 96.
  • Ballot, election of a Pope by, 154–157, 166.
  • Banchi. the betting propensities of its inhabitants during Papal elections, 51–56
  • Barbarossa; see Frederick I.
  • Barberini, the Cardinals, 136, 213.
  • Barberini, Father, ex-General of the Capuchins, 165.