Page:On papal conclaves (IA a549801700cartuoft).djvu/247

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  • Clement VIII. (1592–1605), 163; his confirmation of Bulls against alienation of Church property, 177, 178.
  • Clement IX. (1667–70), 127, 192.
  • Clement X. (1670–76), 127.
  • Clement XI. (1700–21), 60; threatens to degrade Cardinal Noailies, 226, 227.
  • Clement XII. (1730–40), 41, 119; his Bull abolishing the governorship of the Leonine city, 57; his treatment of Cardinal Coscia, 136–40, 148, 214.
  • Clement XIII. (1758–69), reforming Bull of, 61.
  • Clement XIV. (1769–75), 111.
  • Clergy. the, their part in papal elections, 12.
  • Clermont, Cardinal, 160.
  • Colonna, family of, 50.
  • Colonna, Cardinals James and Peter, degraded by Boniface VIII., 132, 133, 214.
  • Colonna, Cardinal (in 16th century), 152.
  • Colonna, Vittoria, 113.
  • Compromise, electoral process called, 20, 152–54.
  • Conclave, doings in, kept secret, 2, 3; Bull of Gregory X. constituting Conclaves, 20–24; lawless state of Rome during Conclave-time, 42–48; office of Marshal of, 58 seq.; nine days of preparation before entering, 61 seq.; congregations preliminary to, 66; question as to how far preliminary ceremonials can be dispensed with, 79; various precedents in point, 81; especially the provisions made by Pius VI., 82–101, and by Gregory XVI., 102; present site of Conclave in the Quirinal, 103; description of former locality in the Vatican, 104; arrangements of Vatican Conclaves, 105 seq.; last moments previous to proclamation of Conclave, 113–116; ceremony of proving identity before proceeding to business, 117; Cardinals secretly nominated, but unpromulgated, not allowed to vote. 128, 129 (see Cardinals); declaration of close of Conclave, 167; narrative of the proceedings at election of Pius IX., 185–200; importance of next Conclave, 5, 7, 82.
  • Conclavists, their position and influence, 67–70.
  • Congregations preliminary to Conclave, 66.
  • Consalvi, Cardinal Secretary of State under Pius VII., 119, 120, 143, 163.
  • Constance, Council of, 24–29.
  • Constantine, an anti-Pope in 8th century, 164.
  • Constantini, Giulio (Cardinal Secretary), his account of Rome during interregnum after death of Paul III., 48–50.
  • Constitutio Moderatoria Donationum, the,—a Bull of Alexander VII. against immoderate grants by Popes to kinsmen, 181–183.
  • Cornia, Ascanio della, nephew of Paul IV., 77.
  • Coronation service of newly elected Pope, 169, 170.
  • Corsini Library, 137.
  • Coscia, Cardinal, 131, 136; degradation of, 137–140, 148, 214.
  • Cosmo II. (Medicis) Duke of Tuscany, 121.
  • Council of Alexander III., 16.
  • Council of Constance, 24–29.
  • Council at Lyons, 39.
  • Court of Rome, its rupture with Italy, 7; its dispersion during the reign of Pius VI., 88, 89; the Cardinals, dignitaries in, 118, 119.
  • Creation of a Pope, question as to when actually consummated, 168.
  • Crispo, Cardinal, 74.
  • Croce, Bernardino della, a named but unpromulgated Cardinal, 129.
  • Cueva, Cardinal, 71.
  • Cueva, Don Beltran de la, 122.
  • Cum Juxta, the Bull, and its application to the case of Cardinal Andrea, 212–215.
  • Curia, Roman. division in the, 17.
  • Curiosities of Papal history, 123.
  • Dandini, Cardinal, 118.
  • De Angelis, Cardinal, Bishop of Fermo, 191.