Page:On papal conclaves (IA a549801700cartuoft).djvu/249

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the Third of England, slain at Viterbo, 18.

  • Henry, Cardinal, of Ostia. 19.
  • Henry IV. of Castile, received a dispensation to marry a second wife, 122, 211; his daughter Dona Juana, 122, 123.
  • Hildebrand; see Gregory VII.
  • Hinemar, Archbishop, 123.
  • Hohenstaufen, the last of the house of (Konradin of Swabia), executed in Naples, 17.
  • Honorius IV. (1285–87), 104.
  • Hormisdas (514–23), and his son Silverius, 123.
  • Innocent VI. (1352–62), 58.
  • Innocent VIII. (1484–92), 129.
  • Innocent X. (1644–55), 59; his Bull Cum Juxta, 212–215.
  • Inspiration, election of a Pope by, 151, 152.
  • Installation of newly elected Pope, and attendant ceremonies, 167 seq.
  • Interregnum in the Papacy, 6, 8; that after the death of Clement IV. the longest on record, 17; complete suspension of the executive during, 34, 35; lawless state of Rome during, 42, 50; riot in 1590, 55.
  • Intrigue of the Conclavist Torres at Pius IV.'s election, 70, 71.
  • Isabella the Catholic, sister of Henry IV. of Castile, 122.
  • Isabella, Infanta, of Portugal, wife of the Emperor Charles V., 123.
  • Jails thrown open (for light offenders) during interregnum, 34, 35.
  • Jews, a custom of, in Rome, at the Pope's installation, 171.
  • John XIX. (1024–33), 164.
  • John XXIII. (1410–15), 26.
  • Juana, Infanta, of Portugal, and her daughter, Dona Juana, 122, 123.
  • Julius II. (1503–12), 109, 208; his Brief granting to Alexander, King of Poland, indulgence to put up with his wife until her father's death, 210.
  • Julius III. (1550–55), election of, 152.
  • Labrador, Gomez, Spanish ambassador at Rome, 160.
  • Ladislas, king of Poland, 120.
  • Lambruschini, Cardinal Secretary under Gregory XVI., 65, 186; character of, 190, 193; his attempt at a coup de main in Conclave, 196 seq.
  • Lateran Basilica, taken possession of by newly elected Pope, 170, 171.
  • Lateran Palace, the, 15, 16.
  • Law-courts suspended during interregnum, 35.
  • Lay Cardinals, 123–125.
  • League, war of the, 176.
  • Leo X. (1513–21), conspiracy against, 134–6.
  • Leo XII. (1823–29), election of, 160, 163.
  • Lombardy, leagued cities of, protected by Barbarossa, 14.
  • Lottery in Conclave times, 56, 57.
  • Louis XIV. of France, 226.
  • Louis XVIII. of France, 143.
  • Louis, King of Hungary, 207.
  • Luis, Don, of Bourbon, named Archbishop of Toledo and Cardinal, 119.
  • Lyons, general council at, called by Gregory X., 20.
  • Madruzzi, Cardinal, 74.
  • Malvezzi, Cardinal, 67.
  • Marcellus II. (Cervini, 1555), 52, 152; narrative of his election, 72–78.
  • Marco-y-Catalan, Cardinal, 160.
  • Marotti, 93.
  • Marshal of the Conclave, office of, 58 seq., 108, 115.
  • Martin V. (1417–31), election of, 26, 27; his secret nomination of Cardinals, 128.
  • Mastai-Ferretti, Cardinal; see Pius IX.
  • Mattei, Cardinal, 118.
  • Maurice, Cardinal, of Savoy, 120.
  • Maury, Cardinal, case of, 143–145.
  • Medicis, Cardinal di, (Clement VII.), 153.
  • Medicis, Catherine, married a Cardinal, 121.
  • Medicis, Cosmo di, Duke of Tuscany, 121.