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he began before he left Denmark. During ten years' residence at Tranquebar he paid visits inland and probably came to Trichinopoly. In 1762 he took up his residence there to convert the heathen, but he soon found plenty to do in the garrison. His services were so keenly appreciated that, at the request of the military authorities, he was made garrison chaplain, and was the first of a long line of men who have ministered to the British troops for nearly a century and a half. He has left an interesting account of his work among the soldiers in some manuscript books, which are in the possession of the Mission of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, which is stationed in Trichinopoly. The earliest book was begun in 1751 to record the baptisms which he performed in the district. The language he used at the commencement was German mixed with a little Latin. All English names, however, were carefully transcribed in Roman letters. The German quickly gave place to English, showing how he must have applied himself to its study for the sake of those members of his congregation who could understand no other tongue.

A number of English soldiers were living with native women and having families. The men brought their children to be baptised. Schwartz not only administered the rite to the little ones, but prepared their mothers and baptised them also. After baptism he married them to the men. Where the marriage ceremony had been performed previously, he 'confirmed' the marriage after baptism. In the absence of a chaplain the officers were allowed to perform surplice duties and marry, baptise, and bury as necessity required. If a soldier wished to marry a woman no questions were asked apparently concerning her religion. The missionaries did not recognise marriage between Christian and heathen. Upon inquiry Schwartz found a number of such cases which he set