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  1. Ootacamund, 35, 240
  2. Orme, 173, 317
  3. Oude, Vizier of, 325
  4. Palghat, 58, 60
  5. Parcherry School, 35
  6. Parkes, Lady Fanny, 145
  7. Parry, 127, 227
  8. Pas Rose, 225
  9. Patterson, Major, 186
  10. Peel, Sir Robert, 230
  11. Pennant, 322
  12. Pepul, 65
  13. Phillips, Captain J. W., 151
  14. Phipps, 184
  15. Pigot, Lord, 83
  16. Pinsent, C., 85
  17. Pitt, Miss D., 94
  18. Pitt, Governor, 77, 78, 88, 94, 98, 325
  19. Pliny, 340
  20. Pohle, Rev. C., 180–182, 191, 204, 231
  21. Pondicherry, 28, 35, 91, 315, 320–325
  22. Poonamalee, 180
  23. Popham, Sir Home, 125
  24. Popham, Captain J., 126
  25. Popham, Stephen, 125
  26. Popham, Mrs., 126
  27. Popham, W., 126
  28. Porto Novo, 315
  29. Pote, C., 140
  30. Power, 187
  31. Prescot, Captain, 233
  32. Prescott, Colonel, 52
  33. Price, Sir F., 37
  34. Probyn, Sir L., 34, 36
  35. Ptolemy, 72
  36. Puducottah, 175
  37. Purdie, 183
  38. Puttoor, 205, 248, 288, 289
  39. Pycroft, Sir T., 108
  40. Raksha, 302, 303
  41. Ramaswamy, 55
  42. Ramnad, 188
  43. Ramrod, 55
  44. Reilly, 266–269
  45. Richards, 201
  46. Ricketts, J. W., 140, 141
  47. Rideout, Colonel J. W., 34
  48. Rishis, 313
  49. Robins, Mrs., 209
  50. Robinson, 182
  51. Robinson, Sir W., 36
  52. Roberts, Lord, 40, 100, 236–238
  53. Roberts, Lady, 237, 238
  54. Roebuck, 127
  55. Roorkee, 40, 41
  56. Ross, Surgeon-Major B., 108
  57. Ross, J., 181
  58. Rotherham, Miss F., 95
  59. Rotherham, J., 95
  60. Rothmuller, 182
  61. Roxburgh, 113, 325
  62. Rugby, 44
  63. Ruttamullee, 239
  64. Saidapet, 37, 111, 112
  65. St. Chrysostom, 130
  66. St. George, 3
  67. St. George’s Cathedral, 27, 35, 48
  68. St. George’s Bridge, 99
  69. St. James’s, Delhi, 147
  70. St. John’s, Netting Hill, 57
  71. St. John’s, Trichinopoly, 210, 235, 239
  72. St. Mary’s, Fort St. George, 19, 30, 84
  73. St. Mary’s Bridge, 87
  74. St. Paul, 143
  75. St. Peter’s, Madras, 7
  76. St. Thomas, 4, 6, 11, 72, 74
  77. St. Thomas’s Mount, 6, 25, 27, 28, 68, 225
  78. St. Thomé, 71–73, 99
  79. St. Thomé Gate, 29
  80. St. Timothy, 143
  81. St. Xavier, 4–6
  82. Salkeld, Rev. B., 35
  83. Salkeld, Lieutenant, 35
  84. Sandhurst, Lord, 45
  85. Sargent, Bishop, 248
  86. Savage, Ensign, 182
  87. Sayers, Rev. Dr., 85
  88. Schwartz, Rev. C. F., 178–181, 187–191, 204, 234
  89. Seaton, Captain F., 77–79
  90. Serfogee, 188
  91. Seringapatam, 188, 322
  92. Serpent wood, 305
  93. Seton-Karr, Mr., 45
  94. Seven sisters, 227