Page:On the Desert - Recent Events in Egypt.djvu/349

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ON THE DESERT. WITH A. BRIEF JtJBVIJEW OF RECENT EVENTS IN EGYPT, An account of a journey in the track of the Israelites along the Red Sea, >mong the peaks of Sinai, through the Desert of the Wandering, and up to th( Promised Land. From Dr. HOWARD CROSBY. " No books of travel have ever so fascinated me as those of Dr. H. M. Field." From Canon FARRAR, Westminster Abbey. " I found it so interesting that I could not lay it down till I had finished it." From NOAH SW^AYNE, LL.D., late Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. " Although I had been over the same ground before with Dean Stanley and others, I find the work extremely interesting. " From Rev. W. G. T. SHEDD, D.D. " I see the desert and the mountains, and the Arabs, and the camels, and all the strange scenery, without the toil, heat, and danger." From Rev. T. W. CHAMBERS, D.D,, of New York, who made the Journejr across the Desert to Mount Sinai in 1874. "Those who have been over the ground will bear witness to the author's literal accuracy. The reader will get a better idea of the real characteristics ol the Sinaitic Desert and its inhabitants from these pages, than from any other accessible volume." From the NEW YORK HERALD. ^ " There is not an uninteresting chapter in the book. It is entertaining throughout It depicts men and countries in a picturesque and thoughtful manner, and is likely to meet with as much favor as the author's former cap- I al books of travel." One Vol., Crown 8vo. Price, $3.00. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS, Publishers, 743 AND 745 Broadway, New York.