Page:On the Vatican Library of Sixtus IV.djvu/17

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work, but whether he was acting professionally, or merely lent one of his workmen, does not appear[1].

The glazing of the windows was entrusted to a German, who is called simply Hormannus, i.e. Hermann. It may be concluded from the first of the following extracts (which is also the first in the Accounts referring to glass) that the work was actually done in the Library, with glass bought partly in Rome, partly in Venice.

I gave on the 16th September 1475 3 papal carlini to Hermann the German who is making the glass windows in the Library, to buy coals for melting lead.

I gave to [the same] one gold ducat for glass of various colours bought for the use of the Library.

I gave to Hermann the German, Master of the Windows, 15 carlini for 50 lb. of lead, and 6 lb. of sawder, 13 October.

I gave to Hermann the German 90 lb. of wrought iron.

I gave to the aforesaid Hermann 4 ducats for his journey to Venice to buy glass for the use of the Library, it being understood that this money is for his expenses on the road, 1 November, 1475[2].

The exact number of windows provided in the Latin and Greek Libraries is specified in a memorandum dated 7 June, 1476, which records an arrangement made with Francis of Milan, the carpenter who supplied the fittings, as we shall see presently:

  1. Dedi ducatum unum muratoribus ob tectorium opus dealbationemque parietum ipsius bibliothecæ, die nona Augusti, 1475. Item dedi carlenos duos fabro quem Donatus architectus ad hanc operam conduxerat … die xiiii Augusti, 1475. Dedi ducatum unum muratoribus qui fenestram cameræ bibliothecæ fecere quæ ad curiam vergit. 21 Sept. 1475.
  2. Dedi die xvi Septembris 1475 carlenos tres papales Hormanno Theutonico qui vitreas fenestras in bibliotheca facit ad carbones emendos ut liquefaciat plumbum.

    Dedi Hormanno Theutonico qui fenestras vitreas fabricat in bibliotheca ducatum unum aureum pro vitro varii coloris empto ad vsum bibliothecae, die supradicta et millesimo.

    Dedi Hormanno Theutonico magistro fenestrarum car. xv. pro quinquaginta libris plumbi et sex stamni die xiii 1475.

    Dedi Hormanno Theutonico libras nonaginta ferri fabrefacti.

    Dedi dicto Hormanno ducatos iiii. ituro Venetias ad emenda vitra pro usu bibliothecse, has autem pecunias datas esse pro expensis itineris intelligendum est, die primo Novembris 1475. Müntz, p. 122.