Page:On the Vatican Library of Sixtus IV.djvu/29

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dipinte a buon fresco, molte mezze figure rappresentanti alcuni Profeti Dottori di Santa Chiesa e Filosofi antichi col nome di ciascuno. II campo di queste lunette è ricoperto da diverse architetture e paesi…Nella facciata incontro la porta esiste un quadro dipinto a fresco dell' altezza palmi venti e largo dieci rappresentante Sisto IV, assiso in una sedia con avanti a se un cardinale genuflesso ed un altro in piedi con diversi prelati che le fan corona ed alcuni versi latini al di sotto indicanti l' elogio delle gesta di tal pontefice…

Le quattro facciate della seconda stanza vedonsi da meravigliosa architettura d' ordine corintio ricoperte, con colonne parte verdi e parte gialle, architrave, fregio, cornice, e capitelli gialli da alcuni festoni interrotte[1].

The lunettes have been ornamented on the same system as those of the Latin Library, but without figures; and their decoration still exists, though much damaged by time and damp. Below the lunettes the walls are covered with whitewash, under which some decoration is evidently concealed. The whitewash has peeled off in some places, and colour is beginning to make its appearance.

The Bibliotheca secreta is 20 ft. wide by 38 ft. 6 in. long. This additional length is due to the thinness of the south wall, observable in this room and the next. It is evident that this wall is not an outside wall. In all probability the building containing the Library was always returned along the east side of the Cortile del Papagallo; but I am not able to say for how great a distance. The room is lighted by a single window in the north wall (fig. 2, F), of the same size and shape as the rest. The light is sufficient, even under present conditions.

The Accounts tell us nothing about the decoration. Pietro Chattard, the author quoted above, reports on it as follows:

Segue la terza ed ultima stanza tutta foderata di tavole, come anchè la volta nel mezzo della quale scorgesi un' armetta di Giulio II ornata all' intorno nella guisa stessa che le pareti da diversi rabeschi, vasi, e fiorami con somma maestria a chiaroscuro dipinti.

The arms here mentioned are those of which the arrival in 1480 is recorded above. M. Fabre points out that Julius II. had the same arms as his uncle Sixtus IV.

  1. Nuova descrizione del Vaticano, t. ii. Roma, 1766, p. 455: quoted by Fabre, ut supra, p. 466.