Page:On the Vatican Library of Sixtus IV.djvu/40

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[B. Spalera.]
Regestra Pontificum hic descripta in capsis Spaleræ Bibliothecæ Pontificiæ per Platinam Bibliothecarium ex ordine recondita et in capsa prima 21
Innocentius III.
Honorius III.
Gregorius VIII.
In secunda capsa Spaleræ Bibliothecæ Pontificiæ 47
Innocentius IIII.
Nicolaus III.
Alexander IIII.
Martinus IIII.
Clemens IV.
Honorius IIII.
Gregorius X.
Nicolaus IIII.
Innocentius V.
Bonifacius VIII.
Ioannes XXI.
Clemens V.
In tertia capsa Bibliothecæ Pont. Regestra recondita par Platynam Bibliothecarium 16
Ioannes XXII.
Benedictus XII.
In quarta capsa Spaleræ Bibliothecæ Pontificiæ Regestra recondita 16
Clemens VI.
Innocentius VI.
In quinta capsa Spaleræ Bibliothecæ Pontificiæ Regestra recondita 15
Vrbanus V.
Gregorius XI.

These lists give the following results:

Latin Library, left hand, 9 seats 430
""right" 7" 313
—— 743
Greek Library 8" 400
Inner " 6" 190
Armaria 938
Capsæ 638
Spalera 216
—— 1982
Bibliotheca Pontificia 12 seats 259
5 Capsæ (Regestra) 115
—— 374
Total 3499