Page:On the Vatican Library of Sixtus IV.djvu/51

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that some one else may be more fortunate. It will be observed that the fifth bench or seat (scamnum, a word which I take to be equivalent to banchus) has two capsæ attached to it; and that the sixth seat has three.

In prima capsa 1–105
In secunda sequenti capsa 106–179
In tertia capsa per ordinem sequente 180–251
In quarta capsa : non que statim sequitur nam ea est libris vacua ad vsum custodum : sed pone sequenti: et vo. scamno adherenti 252–301
In quinta capsa immediate sequenti 302–384
In sexta capsa immediate sequenti et sexto scamno adherenti: que prima se offert 385–447
In septima capsa, videlicet sexte coniuncta 448–559
In octaua capsa muro adherenti que post septimam ad ingressum sexti scamni prima offertur 560–606

Lastly, there is an entry which escaped my notice when I first wrote this paper, recording the arrival of twelve capsce, as though they were independent pieces of furniture[1].

Innermost Library, or, Bibliotheca pontificia. This Library contained 12 desks. These, from their number, must have stood east and west. There was also a spalliera, which held the Papal Registers. I have placed it in the recess on the north side of the room, which looks as though made for it.

It should be noted that there was a map of the world in the Library, for which a frame was bought in 1478[2]; and a couple of globes the one celestial the other terrestrial. Covers made of sheepskin were bought for them in 1477[3]. Globes

  1. Item pro xii capsis latis in bibliothecam secretam. Müntz et Fabre, p. 158.
  2. Per lo tellaro del mappamondo. b. 52. Muntz, p. 129. Habuere pictores armorum quse sunt facta in duabus sphæris solidis et pro pictura mappernundi ducatos in, die xn decembris 1477. Müntz et Fabre, p. 151. This map bad probably been provided by Pius II. (1458-1464), who kept in his service Girolamo Bellavista, a Venetian maker of maps. Muntz et Fabre, 126.
  3. Expendi pro cohopertura facta duobus spheeris solidis quarum in altera est ratio signorum, in altera cosmographia, ducatos iiii videlicet cartenos xvi in octo pellibus montoninis, cartenos xxv in manifactura; sunt nunc ornata graphic cum armis s. d. n., die xx decembris 1477. Müntz et Fabre, p. 152. M. Fabre quotes an extract in praise of the map and globes from a letter written from Rome in 1505, La Vaticane de Sixte IV, p. 471 note.