Page:On the border with Crook - Bourke - 1892.djvu/324

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Hartsuff as Medical Director. The companies starting out on this expedition and the officers connected with them were as follows: Company "A," Third Cavalry, Lieutenant Charles Morton; Company "B," Third Cavalry, Captain Meinhold, Lieutenant Simpson; Company "C," Third Cavalry, Captain Van Vliet, Lieutenant Von Leuttewitz; Company "D," Third Cavalry, Captain Guy V. Henry, Lieutenant W. W. Robinson; Company "E," Third Cavalry, Captain Sutorius; Company "F," Third Cavalry, Lieutenant B. Reynolds; Company "G," Third Cavalry, Lieutenant Emmet Crawford; Company "I," Third Cavalry, Captain Andrews, Lieutenants A. D. King and Foster; Company "L," Third Cavalry, Captain P. D. Vroom, Lieutenant Chase; Company "M," Third Cavalry, Captain Anson Mills and Lieutenants A. C. Paul and Schwatka; Company "A," Second Cavalry, Captain Dewees, Lieutenant Peirson; Company "B," Second Cavalry, Lieutenant Rawolle; Company "E," Second Cavalry, Captain Wells, Lieutenant Sibley; Company "I," Second Cavalry, Captain H. E. Noyes; Company "G," Second Cavalry, Lieutenants Swigert and Huntington; Company "C," Ninth Infantry, Captain Sam Munson, Lieutenant T. H. Capron; Company "H," Ninth Infantry, Captain A. S. Burt, Lieutenant E. B. Robertson; Company "G," Ninth Infantry, Captain T. B. Burroughs, Lieutenant W. L. Carpenter; Company "D," Fourth Infantry, Captain A. B. Cain, Lieutenant H. Seton; Company "F," Fourth Infantry, Captain Gerard Luhn.

Assistant surgeons: Patzki, Stevens, and Powell.

Chief of pack trains: Mr. Thomas Moore.

Chief of wagon trains: Mr. Charles Russell.

Guides: Frank Gruard, Louis Richaud, Baptiste Pourrier ("Big Bat").

The press of the country was represented by Joseph Wasson, of the Press, Philadelphia, Tribune, New York, and Alta California, of San Francisco, California; Robert E. Strahorn, of the Tribune, Chicago, Rocky Mountain News, Denver, Colorado, Sun, Cheyenne, Wyoming, and Republican, Omaha, Nebraska; John F. Finerty, Times, Chicago; T. B. MacMillan, Inter-Ocean, Chicago; R. B. Davenport, Herald, New York.

Our camp on the north side of the North Platte presented a picturesque appearance, with its long rows of shelter tents