Page:On the border with Crook - Bourke - 1892.djvu/381

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already been mentioned in these pages, were: Lieutenant-Colonel E. A. Carr, Major John V. Upham, Lieutenant A. D. B. Smead, A. D. King, George O. Eaton, Captain Robert H. Montgomery, Emil Adam, Lieutenant E. L. Keyes, Captain Samuel Sumner, Lieutenant C. P. Rodgers, Captain George F. Price, Captain J Scott Payne, Lieutenants A. B. Bache, William P. Hall, Captain E. M. Hayes, Lieutenant Hoel S. Bishop, Captain Sanford C. Kellogg, Lieutenants Bernard Reilly and Robert London, Captain Julius W. Mason, Lieutenant Charles King, Captain Edward H. Leib, Captain William H. Powell, Captain James Kennington, Lieutenant John Murphy, Lieutenant Charles Lloyd, Captain Daniel W. Burke, Lieutenant F. S. Calhoun, Captain Thomas F. Tobey, Lieutenant Frank Taylor, Lieutenant Richard T. Yeatman, Lieutenants Julius H. Pardee, Robert H. Young, Rockefeller, and Satterlle C. Plummer, with Lieutenants W. C. Forbush as Adjutant, and Charles H. Rockwell as Quartermaster of the Fifth Cavalry, and Assistant Surgeons Grimes, Lecompt, and Surgeon B. H. Clements, who was announced as Medical Director of the united commands by virtue of rank. Colonel T. H. Stanton was announced as in command of the irregulars and citizen volunteers, who in small numbers accompanied the expedition. He was assisted by Lieutenant Robert H. Young, Fourth Infantry, a gallant and efficient soldier of great experience. At the head of the scouts with Merritt rode William F. Cody, better known to the world at large by his dramatic representation which has since traversed two continents: "Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show."

Major Furey was directed to remain at this point, or in some eligible locality close to it, and keep with him the wagon-train and the disabled. Paymaster Arthur was to stay with him; and outside of that there were three casualties in the two commands: Sutorius, dismissed by sentence of general court-martial; Wilson, resigned July 29th; and Cain, whose mind betrayed symptoms of unsoundness, and who was ordered to remain with Furey, but persisted in keeping with the column until the Yellowstone had been reached. Couriers arrived with telegrams from General Sheridan at Chicago, Williams at Omaha, and Colonel Townsend, commanding at Fort Laramie; all of whom had likewise sent clippings from the latest papers, furnishing information from all points in the Indian country. From these