Page:On the border with Crook - Bourke - 1892.djvu/459

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assist in breaking down the threatened uprising, and showed a very competent understanding of the gravity of the situation.

"Crazy Horse" broke away during the night of the 3d of September, but was unable to get away from the column in pursuit, whose work may perhaps be best described in the language of General L. P. Bradley, Ninth Infantry, commanding the district of the Black Hills, which embraced the posts of Laramie, Fetterman, Robinson, and Sheridan.

"General Crook left here on the morning of the 4th, and, under his instructions, I sent out a strong force about 9 o'clock of that date to surround 'Crazy Horse's' village, about six miles below the post. The column consisted of eight companies of the Third Cavalry, and about four hundred friendly Indians. The Indian scouts were under Lieutenant Clarke; the other Indians under chiefs 'Red Cloud,' 'Little Wound,' 'American Horse,' 'Young Man Afraid of His Horses,' 'Yellow Bear,' 'Black Coal,' 'Big Road,' 'Jumping Shield,' and 'Sharp Nose.' The cavalry were under the command of Colonel Mason, Third Cavalry. When the command reached the site of the village, they found it had broken up in the night, and most of it had disappeared. A part of the lodges returned to the agency of their own accord and joined the friendly bands, a large number were overtaken by the friendly Indians and brought back, and a few went to the Spotted Tail Agency. 'Crazy Horse' escaped alone and went to the Spotted Tail Agency, where he was arrested the same day by friendly Indians and was brought here under guard of Indians on the 5th instant. My orders from General Crook were to capture this chief, confine him, and send him under guard to Omaha. When he was put in the guardhouse he suddenly drew a knife, struck at the guard, and made for the door. 'Little Big Man,' one of his own chiefs, grappled with him, and was cut in the arm by 'Crazy Horse' during the struggle. The two chiefs were surrounded by the guard, and about this time 'Crazy Horse' received a severe wound in the lower part of the abdomen, either from a knife or bayonet, the surgeons are in doubt which. He was immediately removed, and placed in charge of the surgeons, and died about midnight. His father and 'Touch the Clouds,' chief of the Sans Arcs, remained with him till he died, and when his breath ceased, the chief laid his hand on 'Crazy Horse's' breast and said: 'It is