Page:On the economy of machinery and manufactures - Babbage - 1846.djvu/442

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47, c. 6, required for learning, 218; lost in changing occupation, 220.

Times newspaper, 332.
Tin, tubes for speaking, 7; worn-out, 9.
Tin, waste of, 200, 214.
Tinned iron, punching, 135.
Tinning of pin wire, 233.
Tobacco-pipe making, 120.
Tolls on steam carriages, 301.
Tool, difference between and machine, 20.
Tools, 10; accuracy of work executed by, 79, c. 10; change of, 221; division of labour suggests the contrivance, 224; House of Commons' report on export of, and machinery, 441.
Tortoiseshell, moulding in, 119.
Touch, human, 56, c. 7.
Touch, the, of a rose-engine, 149.
Tube-drawing, 142.
Tug-boat, 53.
Turning by lathe, 79; china, 114; copying by, 148; rose-engine, 149.
Tutwork, 307.
Transfer-ink, 61.
Treblets, 142.
Trees, cutting into planks, 77.
Tributors, 307.
Truck system, 373.
Tympan, 78.
Types, printing from moveable, 94.

Umbrella handles, 118.

Union of theory and practice, 453, c. 35.

Vaillant's experiment, 23.
Value of various articles manufactured from one pound's worth of raw materials, 214; of raw cotton compared with manufactured, 429.
Vane, or fly, 30, 46.
Vegetable productions, casting from, 107.
Veils, lace, made by caterpillars, 158. See also Additions.
Velocity, increase and diminution of, 32c. 4; of the tilt-hammer 36; of skaters, 38; of boats, 39; of carriages, 40; in glass-blowing, 42.
Veneer, Mr. Brunel's machine to cut, 77.
Venetian gold chains, 212, 213. See also Additions.
Verification of quality of sugar; tea, flour, 182; character, a substitute for, 193.
Vermicelli, 146.
Vermilion, 214.
Wages paid in goods, 374; in lace-making, 429.
Waste of materials in learning, 219.
Watch glasses, 420.
Watchmaking, 251.
Watch stop, 74; chains, 139; trade, frauds in the, 187; pendulum, spring of, 213.
Watches and clocks, 45; depreciation of export trade, 187; ancient, 345. Watering calico, 121.
Water-mark, 388.
Water-meter, 71.
Water substituted for shot, 23; reaction of, 39; of brine springs, 50.
Wave, velocity of a, passing through deal, 25.
Wax, casting in, 111.
Wealth, extract from the Rev. R. Jones's Essay on the Distribution of, 3.
Weaving patent net, machine for, 265; by hand and power loom, 411.
Weight of a square yard of different manufactures, 158.
Whitechapel sharps, 273.
Wire-drawing, 141, 228.
Wire, straightening for pins, 229.
Wood, moulding in, 117.
Wood-cuts, printing from, 92.
Wooden snuff-boxes, 117.
Woollen trade, extract from evidence on, 276.
Work, identity of when of the same kind, and its accuracy when of different kinds, 79, c. 10; done by steam-engines in Cornwall, 288.
Workmen, combinations of, 283 314, 315, 353, c. 30.
Works, reprinting old, 102.
Worn-out iron and tin, 9.