Page:On the education of the people of India (IA oneducationofpeo00trevrich).pdf/109

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the people of india.


Objections answered.—Construction of the Charter Act of 1813.—Change in the Employment of the public Endowments for the Encouragement of Learning.—Abolition of Stipends.—Probability of the Natives being able to prosecute the Study of English with effect.—The alleged Necessity of cultivating Arabic and Sanskrit for the sake of improving the vernacular Languages.—The Plan of employing Maulavees and Pundits as our Agents for the Propagation of European Science.—Whether or not it is our Duty to patronise the same Kind of Learning as our Predecessors..

I shall now proceed to reply, with as much brevity as circumstances will admit, to the objections which have been urged to the change in the committee’s plan of operation made in accordance with the resolution of the Indian government, dated the 7th March 1835; and as my object is not to write a book of my own, but to put this important subject, once for all, in a clear point of view, I shall continue to avail myself of the writings of others whenever they express what I have to say better than I could express it myself.