Page:On the education of the people of India (IA oneducationofpeo00trevrich).pdf/157

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the people of india.


Proofs that the Time has arrived for taking up the Question of National Education.—The Disuse of the Persian Language.—The many important Bearings of this Change.—The Codification of the Mahommedan and Hindu Law.—The increased Employment of the Natives The concurrence of all Classes of the Community towards the Object.

Many circumstances indicate that the time has arrived for taking up the question of Indian national instruction in a way in which it has never yet been taken up. Obstacles, which formerly prevented the Government from taking decisive steps, have disappeared: unexpected facilities have come to light. The mind of India has taken a new spring. Substitutes are required to fill up the void created by the passing away of antiquated systems. The people want instruction: the Government wants well educated servants to fill the responsible situations which have been opened to the natives. Every thing concurs to prove that this important subject ought no longer to be re-