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on the education of

more of the people, will take a greater interest in their affairs, and will make their influence more felt among them. The people, on the other hand, will obtain a much better insight into what is going on in the courts than it was possible for them to do while the proceedings were conducted in a foreign language. They will exercise a greater check over the subordinate native officers. They will be less in the hands of their own agents. Justice will be better administered; and the people will have much more confidence in the administration of it. The field of selection for public employment, instead of being confined, as heretofore, to those who were familiarly acquainted with the Persian language, will be extended to every educated person: entirely new classes of people will be brought in to aid in the cheap and upright administration of public affairs: individuals who, without any higher literary attainment than a good knowledge of their own language, have acquired in private life a character for ability and integrity, and still more the young men who have received at the public seminaries the best education the country can afford, will infuse new life and new morality into the system. As learn has ceased to be monopolised by the Brahmins, so public employment has ceased to be mono-