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on the education of

be applied to the development of the mind and morals of our subjects, in the most extensive, effectual, and unobjectionable manner. It is proposed that public examinations should be annually held at each of the great towns in the Bengal and Agra presidencies, by officers appointed to make the circuit of the country for that purpose; that these examinations should be open to all comers, wherever they may have been educated; that those who acquit themselves well should be ranked according to their merit; and that the list so arranged, together with the necessary particulars regarding the branches of knowledge in which each person distinguished himself, should be sent to the neighbouring functionaries, to enable them to fill up from it the situations in their gift which

    continue his legal studies at the college, a monthly personal allowance of sixteen or twenty rupees being granted to him by Government for his support. The Court would further recommend that the monthly salaries of the moonsiffs be fixed at 150 rupees. The very important duties now confided to the native Judges undoubtedly renders the adoption of some systematic plan of education for these officers indispensably necessary; and the Court therefore beg to urge that these suggestions may receive the early consideration of Government.” After this, the abolition of the use of Persian was resolved on; and the only real obstacle to the accomplishment of the wishes of the Judges of the Sudder Dewanee was thus removed.