Page:On the education of the people of India (IA oneducationofpeo00trevrich).pdf/61

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the people of india.

not to be distinguished from the people of the same tribe who have adhered to the religion of their fathers, with whom they have language and every thing else in common.

These are the facts upon which the plan of the education committee is based. Their object is to fill the minds of the liberally educated portion of the people with the knowledge of Europe, in order that they may interpret it in their own language to the rest of their countrymen. For this purpose, while, on the one hand; the pupils are encouraged to acquire the various kinds of information which English literature contains, and to form their taste after the best English models; on the other, every endeavour is used to give them the habit of writing with facility and elegance in their native language.

The committee’s first desire is to establish a seminary based on these principles at each Zillah station. The large towns always take the lead in the march of improvement: the class of people whose circumstances give them leisure to study to good purpose, and influence to make their example followed, are congregated there in greater numbers than elsewhere. Even the proprietors residing on their estates in the district keep up a close connection with their provincial capitals,