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the people of india.

In the institutions which exist on a particular footing alterations should not be introduced more rapidly than a due regard to existing interests and feelings will dictate; at the same time that incessant endeavours should be used to supersede what is useless or worse in the present course of study by what your better knowledge will recommend.

“In the new college which is to be instituted, and which we think you have acted judiciously in placing at Calcutta, instead of Nuddea and Tirhoot, as originally sanctioned, it will be much further in your power, because not fettered by any preceding practice, to consult the principle of utility in the course of study which you may prescribe. Trusting that the proper degree of attention will be given to this important object, we desire that an account of the plan which you approve may be transmitted to us, and that an opportunity of communicating to you our sentiments upon it may be given to us, before any attempt to carry it into execution is made.”

This dispatch was referred to the education committee, who stated in reply, that in proposing the improvement of men’s minds it is first necessary to secure their conviction that such improvement is desirable; that tuition in European science

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