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[October 16. 1869.

Now that I am referring to former papers of mine, I will communicate a warning I have received in consequence of a statement in one of them. In treating of the dairy department, in my account of my “Farm of Two Acres,” I spoke of zinc milk-coolers as approved — not by myself, for I have never tried them, but by those who have. In consequence of a hint I soon after received, I have made inquiries, which satisfy me

that zinc is condemned by competent chemical authorities as pernicious, in contact with millrT A lactate of zinc is formed which is by no means one of the desirable products of the dairy. I render this explanation in hope that it may stop in time any experimenter who may possibly con- template the use of zinc milk-coolers from my mention of the material, on the authority of others. Harriet Martineau.


Oh, my spirit is on the wing,

Skimming o’er These breakers hoar;

Bright the flashing spray-drops spring; Hoarse the plunging waves along our keelson roar.

Friendly storm-fiend, whistle loud! Shrill and sharp ASolian harp;

Straining sheet and twanging shroud, At your stormy music let the craven carp!

For mine eyes behold the shore Where she dwells That far excels All rich ocean’s pearly store, Casketed in ooean’s countless pearly shells.

Ho! I see it I Hail — all hail! O’er the foam

My loved one’s home.

Darling, dost thou watch my sail?

Doth no quick-fluttering pulse declare to thee — I come?
G. J. Cayley.