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My Heart's in the Highlands.

 \relative c {	
\new Staff {
  \clef bass
  \key des \major
 \time 9/8
 r4 r8 r4 aes8 des8. f16 aes8 | bes4. aes4 f8 des8. ees16 f8 | bes,4.~ bes bes8 ees8 f16 ges8 | c4. bes4 bes8 aes ees ges | f4.~ f4 f8 f ges f | bes4. f4 f8 c' a f | des'4.~ des4 des8 ees, f ges | f4. aes4 bes8 aes aes, ees' | des4.~des4 r4 r8 r4 r1
\addlyrics {
My heart's in the High -lands, my heart is not here; My heart's in the High -lands a -chas -ing the deer, A -hunt -ing the wild deer and chas -ing the roe; My heart's in the High -lands wher -ev -er I go.
\addlyrics {
Fare -ware to the High -lands, fare -well to the North, The birth -place of val -or, the coun -try of worth; Wher -ev -er I wan -der, wher -ev -er I rove, The hills of the High -lands for -ev -er I love
\addlyrics {
Fare -well to the mount -ains, high -cov -ered with snow; Fare -well to the straths and green val -leys be -low; Fare -well to the for -ests and wild -hang -ing words; Fare -well to the tor -rents and loud -pouring floods.
\addlyrics {
My heart's in the High -lands, my heart is not here; My heart's in the High -lands a -chas -ing the deer, A -hunt -ing the wild deer and chas -ing the roe: My heart's in the High -lands wher -ev -er I go.
\new PianoStaff <<
\new Staff {
  \key des \major
 \time 9/8
<f' des>8 <f des> <f des> <f des> <f des> <f des> <f des> <f des> <f des> <f des> <f des> <f des> <f des> <f des> <f des> <f des> <f des> <f des> <f des> <f des> <f des> <bes d,> <bes d,> <aes d,> <ges ees> <ges ees> <ges ees> <ges ees> <ges ees> <ges ees> <ges ees> <ges ees> <ges ees des'> <ges ees c'> <ges ees c'> <c, ees bes'> <aes' des,> <aes des,> <aes des,> <aes des,> <aes des,> <aes des,> <a ees> <a ees> <a ees> <bes f des> <bes f des> <bes f des> <bes f des> <bes f des> <bes f des> <a ees> <f ees> <c f ees> <des f des> <des f des> <des f des> <des f des> <des f des> <des f des> <des ges des> <des ges des> <des ges des> <des aes des> <des aes des> <des aes des> <des f> <des f> <des ges> <des aes ees> <des aes ees> <c aes ges> <des aes f> <des aes f> <des aes f> <des aes f> <des aes f> <des aes f> <des aes f> <des aes f> <des aes f> <des aes f>4.~ <des aes f>4 r8 r4 r8
\new Staff {
\clef "bass"
  \key des \major
 \time 9/8
 r4 r8 r4 aes,,8 des8. f16 aes8 bes4. aes4 f8 des8. ees16 f8 bes,4. bes bes8 ees8 f16 ges8 c4. bes4 bes8 aes ees g f4.~ f4 f8 f ges f bes4. f4 f8 c a f d4.~ d4 d8 e f g f4. a4 b8 a a e d4. a f d~ d4 r4 r8 r4