Page:One Big Union Monthly - Volume 1.djvu/7

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Sagie HUEDGHI D00 TWION MONTELT her enters the aren of 1rio- ~ A I

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It i esued by the General luxeeutive Boara oi ht‘ Fodustiial

Workees of the $orld, and is e of the oficial pobPestions of the 1.

W becty wlbi, EELT Qs Bivy SONION MONTOHEA will ho oo Micgreite of 61 pavess ol wi A oite sraly will be devoted o Foonres avia yualeebing Teom Jhie Fro gz o the 100 Woand frow poraetes cad U soasarers of e v Chypbiesoind Undevs o the 1 W, W CEOWELE g Ofhiel DTG G ReOeNt s Yrom t:l-t-}s:.fe.i yagnts the orgeaises


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Tt = ; ° oy ‘ . " [} AN YR I g ‘ ] LI A . P T e e bamnee 61 de H4 con b e e s g T ey

'g, i Yo o Lo, and other 1”! A0S,

Thoe aiject of the literary matieos wid Ii Chof sl e to peve wsliie a picihure as possihie of the prineiples snd activii s o : W, o to depied thg stiruggle of the working elass thavghons | S Tov eneaneipation o wage slavery, Pure news malter nzdur.*-.z'!.' cooinue o e aandled by the mimeronus weekiy 1)ubh(,dtloru; of bee DOV OWL U e Danetion of the moathly Leine naere fo swnmsrize such matler nd Goerpret its slenificanee,

P of xpac WL be pvanten o thearetieal artieles of "'Hue that can pob o pandled by the weekly pacerss Wa ol speaal atiention o the “‘3h‘x'y of toe 1 W, WO which will he pubtished in lllbtdlhm:zm., in ore MONT'H N, devy Lo botiny m.s.z-:}d ax o bovk. This story is a hisfory of the ceseanal

evarha i the s of tho LW, W, and ix divided into 25 chapters,

Sema vnten ond edited, froin cover Lo cover, by wage workers, vaenr ol

vt e clementary ‘;f_'uim'np n wisting, The Ooe Big Union Meathly anaies Ay e whnisoover al ,'.?‘5..(:.~.~l._x e cfoction, In faet, we yeater i the vorisihntions, with g liltle edivine as vossible, 1 order 1 o eeh o Of Lhea or s”n....fy anl sioplicity, For suct shorteaniings we hove shaclutely ae apeloe, fooffor. What the m. wdr/i,w Wit ]“mk M a Jiersry way . we chatlh oottt e v in frankness and truthfuines |

Yy ille we shall primarily use the pazes o oue neg vzine o catsfy the reeds of the membershin, Lhe wagazine = hy no nieans o bo coisi a3, wod

meitly as g monthly review for our swn ouse. s wtendod Lo make 't nS

broa:dhy cducational as lies in our power, vath a view to reic-hing aond interast e the outsele world.

Wontle wee rely on subsceptions by e members as cov steady read- 20 the paagazine will also be sold frem news stanls and 19 book stores, on the vireet corner and in the meeting ha:ls, in fact wherever working 1aen and working women gather to discuss thewr commom (s,

Tae ~"1hcguptlun price is $1. A1) per vedr, 10 cents per copy. Bundie or- der, 10 cents per copy, Ron-rebiyinili.

Litevary contrbutions and communications on editoriad matiers shouic b addreszed to The Inditor, huai all suhseripticns and biginegss ccapmunieation: sconld be addressed te “HE ONS BTG UNTON MONTHLY - 10010 West Mu-

’ TYY CAY LYY YN Aicer C ~ant (V £ Ty
