Page:One Link in the Chain of Apostolic Succesion; or, The Crimes of Alexander Borgia (1854).djvu/14

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I wish every reader of this book to know my purpose in writing it. My object must not be misunderstood. I regard the church of Rome as a thousand-headed hydra, each head nurtured to its present fulness by a thousand crimes! I look upon it as a festering hell on earth, beneath whose seeming piety and sanctimoniousness are enacted scenes of blood and cruelty more revolting than any ever witnessed in the ORIGINAL Pandemonium! I regard it as a hideous reptile, that has attained its present massive proportions through the sufferance of those who should have crushed it in the germ, and only waits for an auspicious hour to unmask in all its deformity, yet with a vigor and power that shall shake worlds from their foundations! I look upon it as a terrible guillotine, whose blade is every moment growing wider and wider, sharper and sharper, and is now only suspended in silence and darkness, that it may grow large enough to destroy Liberty and Protestantism at one blow!

And such a damnable compound of all that is hellish, atrocious, gigantic, and terribly significant of a bloody future, is the Church of Rome!

The time has come when all Americans who love their country must awaken to the nature of the serpents they are nourishing in their bosoms, or see the heritage secured by the blood of their forefathers pass out of their hands forever! As time rolls on, the tide of Papal aggression sets higher and higher, and wounded Liberty flies shrieking back to the borders!