Page:One hundred & one sandwiches.djvu/35

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(Symbol missingsymbol characters) MINT CHUTNEY

SHRED fine a handful of freshly picked mint and mix it with a cupful of seeded and chopped raisins; add two tablespoonfuls of sugar, one of tomato catsup and a saltspoonful of salt. Beat into a soft paste and spread on squares of thin white bread.


BOIL salsify until tender and press through a colander; work smooth with cream, and season with anchovy sauce and cayenne. Use Graham bread.


BOIL spinach, drain as dry as possible and put it through a sieve; add chopped parsley and capers and plenty of creamed butter and beat all together until perfectly smooth. Use thin slices of white and brown bread, putting the two together with this "green" butter.


ONE dozen nasturtium blossoms, two tablespoonfuls of mayonnaise dressing. Spread white bread with the mayonnaise,