Page:One hundred & one sandwiches.djvu/77

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(Symbol missingsymbol characters) PEANUT BUTTER

ONE-HALF box of peanut butter, one dozen olives stoned and chopped fine. Season with lemon-juice and salt.


ONE cupful pecan meats chopped very fine, mixed with two tablespoonfuls of mayonnaise cream dressing. Use entire-wheat bread.


SHELL half a pound of English walnuts. Put the kernels into a pint of boiling water and boil for a minute. Drain and cover with stock; add a bay-leaf, a few celery tops and a slice of onion; cook gently for twenty minutes; drain, chop fine and season with salt and cayenne. Take very thin slices of the little round loaf of Boston brown bread, spread with butter and then with the chopped walnut meats.