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9° BURDAKIN. BURDETT. Shenandoah Valley. After his discharge from the army, he came to Dedham in 1863, and was employed as clerk in the Norfolk county registry of deeds, under James Foord, the register. JOHN H. BURDAKIN Early in 1873, upon the passage of the legislative act authorizing registers of deeds to appoint assistant registers, Mr. Burdakin was appointed assistant register for Norfolk county. At the election of 1873, Mr. Foord having declined a re-elec- tion, Mr. Burdakin was elected his suc- cessor, receiving the nomination from both political parties. He entered upon his new responsibility, January, 1874. He has always received the support of the majori- ties given him, not as a political candidate, but as a citizen accepting a public trust. This continued support is sufficient evi- dence of his fitness for the position. Mr. Burdakin is a member of the G. A. R., of the New England Historic Genea- logical Society, and an active member of the Dedham Historical Society, of which he is librarian and curator. Being a lover of books, he has done much towards the col- lecting of the valuable historical library of the latter soi iety. He is one of the trustees of the Dedham Institution for Savings, and a member of the school board. Mr. Burdakin was married November 18, 1874, to Ella L., daughter of Nathaniel Smith. Of this union are two children : Leslie R., born September 16, 1884, and Lillian Burdakin, born August 5, 1887. BURDEN, Frederick L., son of Charles and Julia A. (Daniels) Burden, was born in Fast Douglas, Worcester county, April 20, 1847. The public and private schools of his native place gave him his early educational training. His tastes induced him to adopt the medical profession, and having fitted him- self for the Harvard medical school, he pursued the course of study there, and was graduated in the class of 1869. He began the practice of medicine in North Attle- borough, 1870, and continues in the same place and practice at the present time. Dr. Burden was married in North Attle- borough, June 5, 1879, to Emily, daughter of Daniel and Mary C. (Springer) Evans. Of this union is one child : Frederick E. Burden. Dr. Burden was a member of the school board in 1872, and a member of the state Senate in 1884 and '85, when he served on the committee on education, was chair- man of the joint committee on public health in 1884, and a member of the Senate committee on rules in 1885. He was a member of the Republican state central committee in 1S86, and its chairman in 1887 and '88. Dr. Burden enlisted in 1861 in company E., 1st Rhode Island light artillery, known as the 6th Rhode Island battery. He was honorably discharged Man h, 1862 ; re-enlisted in June, 1862, for three months in the 10th Rhode Island battery, and was mustered out by reason of expira- tion of term of service in September, 1862. He is a member of Prentiss M. Whiting Post 192, C. A. R. BURDETT, JOSEPH O., son of Joseph and Sally (Mansfield) Burdett, was born in Wakefield (then South Reading), Middle- sex county, October 30, 1848. His early education was received in the schools of' Wakefield, where he fitted for Tufts College, which he entered in 1867, graduating second in his class, notwith- standing that he was compelled to be absent from college nearly one-half of his senior year in order to earn sufficient money to meet his expenses. On his graduation he immediately com- menced the study of law in the office of