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CARTER. CARVILL. 107 years in the board of assessors ; was a member of the Legislature in 1869 and '70. He is now president of the old Mercantile Library Association, which ofiice he has held for several years. ■ SOLOMON CARTER He was married in Lancaster, April 10, 1845, to Abby, daughter of Levi and Abi- gail (Ballard) Lewis, of that town. Of this union were four children : Frank Edward (deceased September 22, 1881), Fred L., now associated in business with his father, Herbert L., and Clarence H. Carter. Mr. Carter was an ardent Whig in 1840, and an equally active Republican in the election of the second Harrison in 1888. In forty years, with four exceptions, he never missed casting his vote nor distribut- ing votes at the polls on election day, whether city, state, or national. As a business man and citizen, he is known for his uniform courtesy and unquestioned in- tegrity. CARTER, WILLIAM, son of John and Mary (Carey) Carter, was born in Alfreton, England, February 25, 1830. His educa- tion was obtained in the English common schools. His first business in this country was the manufacture of cardigan jackets, Highlandville. He subsequently took in partners, and the concern was known by the firm name of Lee, Carter & Co., and William Carter & Co. At present they manufacture silk and woolen goods. Mr. Carter came to America in 1857, without means, but possessed of health, energy, and perseverance. He soon was in possession of means secured by his own thrift to manufacture for himself, or be received as partner in one of the leading industries. His efforts have been crowned with success. He has for years been a member of the board of selectmen and of the school board. He is connected with the Metho- dist Episcopal church, and for four years past he has been superintendent of the Sunday-school. Mr. Carter was first married in Gedling, England, December 25, 1853, to Hannah, daughter of Joseph and Hannah (Horsely) Truman. The issue of this marriage now living is one child : Frank C. Carter. He- was married again September 2, 1863, in Newton Centre, to Martha, daughter of Mark and Phebe (Wigley) Lee. Of this union are four children : William H., John J., Mary E., and Horace A. Carter, all liv- ing. His third marriage occurred in Brook- line, April 23, 1874, with Jane G., daugh- ter of Jonathan and Eunice L. (Arnold) Avery. Their children now living are : Lucy A. and Roscoe A. Carter. CARVILL, ALPHONSO HOLLAND, son of Sewall and Tamar (Higgins) Carvill, was born in Lewiston, Androscoggin coun- ty, Me., February 4, 1843. Having passed through the common schools of Lewiston, he fitted for college at the Maine State Seminary (now Bates College) and the Edward Little Institute (Auburn). He entered Tufts College in 1862, and was graduated therefrom in the class of 1866. In 1869 he was graduated from the Harvard medical school, and the same year received the degree of A. M, from Tufts College. From 1869 to 1873 he practiced medi- cine and surgery in Minnesota, but returned to the East in May, 1S73, and settled in Somerville, where he is still in practice. He is a member of the American Insti- tute of Homoeopathy, Massachusetts Ho- moeopathic Medical Society, Boston Ho- moeopathic Medical Society, and several medical clubs. He has always taken an active interest in temperance and educa- tional affairs, and has served on school boards twelve years. Dr. Carvill was married in Cambridge, August 17, 1869, to Mima S., daughter of John and Elizabeth (Swanson) Gray. Of