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1 7 8 DODGE. DODGE. Mr. Dodge was alderman of the city of Newburyport in 18S0 ; was elected director of the First National Bank some ten years ago, which position he holds at the present time ; is also a trustee of the Newburyport Five Cents Savings Bank. The early family training of Mr. Dodge, under the influence of a sainted mother, led him early to seek church relations. He joined the church and choir at the age of seventeen, and has contributed to church service ever since. He has been a Sunday- school scholar or teacher nearly all of his life, and is now superintendent of the White- field Sunday-school. He was a member of NATHAN D. DODGE. the Young Men's Christian Association in Troy, N. Y., where he resided a few years. He was one of the founders of the New- buryport Association some fifteen years ago ; was elected its first president, serving as such for several years, anil is at present a member of the board of directors. DODGE, SIMEON, JR., son of Simeon and Betsey (Goodwin) Dodge, was born in Marblehead, Essex county, February 23, 1S40. He obtained his early education in the public schools of his native place. He began business as a grocer's clerk. Later on he worked at shoemaking. His present vocation is that of farmer. Mr. Dodge was married in Marblehead, June 5, i860, to Betsey, daughter of Wil- liam and Betsey (Goss) Gilley. Of this union are four children : Albert W., Re- becca F., Charles E., and Emma S. Dodge. Mr. Dodge is president of the VVenham Mutual Benefit Association ; commander of the Wenham Veteran Association, and chair- man of the Republican town committee. He is chief engineer of the fire department. He was representative to the Legislature from the 9th Essex district, in 1889, serv- ing on the committee on manufactures. He enlisted as private in company C, Sth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer militia, in the war of the rebellion, and fought in the service of his country. DODGE, Theodore Ayrault, was born in Pittsfield, Berkshire county, in 1842, of old New England stock. His grandfather was pastor of First Church in Haverhill ; his maternal great-grandfather was General Seth Pomeroy of Bunker Hill memory, and his middle name comes from Dr. Pierre Ayrault, who migrated with the first Huguenot colony, as its physician, to Newport. Col. Dodge was educated abroad. He is a graduate of the London University, attended lectures at Heidelberg, and re- ceived a four years' military training under General von Frohreich of the Prussian army in Berlin. What he there learned stood him in good stead when, in 1861, he caught the patriotic fever and returned home to enlist. His field service of two years under Kearney and Howard, in the army of the Potomac, was terminated at Gettysburg by the loss of a leg, he having been several times previously wounded. On recovery, he was ordered to duty 111 the war department, as chief of the bureau of enrollment. Here he served for a number of years, and to retain his services, Secre- tary Stanton offered him a commission in the regular army. At the time Mr. Stan- ton declined to yield up possession of the war office to President Johnson, Colonel Dodge "held the fort," under the self- willed, but in this instance orthodox, sec- retary. Colonel Dodge has four brevets for gal- lant conduct — two volunteer, two regular. Under the act of Congress by which all wounded officers were taken from active service, Col. Dodge was placed on the re- tired list of the army, where he still holds his commission. He has since resided in his native State. He has been connected with successful business enterprises in Boston, but enjoys