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DRAPER. DUBUQUE. His faithful and gallant service led to his promotion to major and lieutenant- colonel, and while holding the latter rank, he commanded a brigade in the army of the Potomac. He was severely wounded in one of the battles of the Wilderness, so severely, indeed, that he was given up for dead, but after three months at home, he re- turned to the front, and joined his regiment a short time before the war closed. He was brevet-brigadier-general when mustered out. Returning from the front, he joined his father in business, under the firm name of George Draper & Sons. The same title is still retained by the firm, although the subject of our sketch is senior member. General Draper is a well-known manu- facturer, being president, treasurer, or di- rector of more than twenty different com- panies, viz. : president of the Milford & Woonsocket Railroad, Hopkinton Railroad, Franklin Cotton Manufacturing Company, Hopedale Elastic Fabric Company, Hope- dale Machine Screw Company, Dutcher WILLIAM F. DRAPER. Temple Company, Thomson Electric Weld- ing Company (Lynn) ; treasurer of the Hopedale Machine Company ; director of the Milford National Bank, Barnaby Manu- facturing Company (Fall River), Grinnell Manufacturing Company (New Bedford), Henderson Cotton Mills (Kentucky), Shaw Stocking Company (Lowell), Glasgo Yarn Mills (Norwich, Conn.), Glasgo Thread Company (Worcester), Ferracute Machine Company (Bridgeton, N. J.), Milford Water Company, Milford Electric Light Com- pany, Milford Shoe Factory, Sole Laying Machine Company (Boston), Sawyer Spin- dle Company (Boston), American Mutual Liability Insurance Company (Boston), Merchants' and Farmers' Mutual Fire In- surance Company (Worcester), Worcester Manufacturers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company, and is trustee of the Milford Savings Bank. General Draper was a delegate to the national Republican convention which nominated President Hayes ; a member of Governor Long's staff, and presidential elector-at-large on the Republican ticket, 18S8. His church connections are with the Hopedale parish (Unitarian), of which he was for many years treasurer and trustee. He is a member of the Union and Al- gonquin clubs, Boston ; American Club, London ; Hope Club, Providence, R. I. ; Springfield Club ; Worcester Club ; Massa- chusetts Club, Boston ; Eastern Yacht Club ; Quidnunc Club, Milford ; Commer- cial Club, Fall River. He is a Sir Knight in Milford Commandery, and a member of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion. General Draper was married in Hope- dale, Mass. (his present residence), Sep- tember 15, 1S62, to Lydia D. W., daughter of David and Charlotte (Austin) Joy, who died February 18, 1S84. Of this union are five children : William F., George Otis, Edith, Arthur J., and Clare Draper. DUBUQUE, Hugo Adelard, son of Moise and Esther (Mathieu) Dubuque, was born in Canada, November 3, 1854. He obtained his early education in the common schools and college at St. II van nth, P. Q., and was graduated from the latter in the class of i86o-'7o. He came to Troy, N. Y., in 1S70 ; worked as clerk in a boot and shoe store for a few months ; then came to Fall River in the summer of 1S70, working as clerk in a grocery and drug store until June, 1874. During these years he had saved from his earnings sufficient to enable him to prosecute the studies preparatory to enter- ing upon his chosen profession. He entered Boston University law school, and having passed the full course, was graduated in the class of 1877, with the degree of LL. B. He was admitted to the bar in Novem- ber of that year, and began the practice of law in Fall River, where he is still in full