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230 HiVYLER. FOX. He is a member of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Massa- chusetts — receiving a lieutenant's commis- sion June 6, 1887. Mr. Fottler visited England in July, 1887, as one of the dele- gation of the " Ancients," who were invited by the Honourable Artillery Company of London to be present and assist in the three hundred and fiftieth anniversary cele- bration of that company. FOWLER, Benjamin Austin, son of Benjamin Coleman and Sophia Cowdrey (Stevens) fowler, was born in Stoneham, Middlesex county, December 14, 1^4.;. He passed through all the gradesof school in Stoneham, including the high school, from which he went to Phillips Academy, Andover, and was graduated in [862. lie was an active member of the Phillips Academy Cadets, ,1 1 ompany of pa- triotic young men preparing themselves fi >r future service in the army, where many of them were found before the (lose of the civil war. In 1863 Mr. Fowler entered Vale Col- lege, and was graduated in the (lass of 1868, having lost one year from illness contracted in the army. He engaged in teaching in Danvers for one year ; was salesman in a wholesale shoe store in Boston one year ; Studied law one year, until ill health necessitated a change. Lor several years he was in the real estate business. Continued poor and failing health led him into the subscription book business, in 1875. In 1881 he became in- terested in silver mining in New Mexico, and devoted his time to it until 1884, when he bought back the book business sold in 1 ss 1 . from early in 1886 he was the New England agent of Dodd, Mead & Co., pub- lishers, of New York City, and in February, 1889, he accepted the position of general manager of their subscription book busi- ness, with headquarters in New York. Mr. Fowler was married in Metlford, October 17, 1S88, to Ella Frances, daugh- ter of benjamin L. and Almedia Hobson (Cobb) Quinby. Mr. Fowler was a member and secretary of the Stoneham school board from 1871 to '76 ; has been delegate to various Re- publican conventions, county and state ; was superintendent of the Sunday-schoi >l 1 if tlie First Congregational church of Stone- ham from 1870 to ' 7 r> ; treasurer of the parish, [871 and '72; president of the Stoneham Choral Society, and has been generally active in many minor societies — il and literary. Mr. Fowler enlisted in August, 1862, in company C, 50th regiment, Massachusetts volunteers — nine months' troops; joined General Banks's expedition to the Gulf, and served in Louisiana ; was detailed into the signal corps, and there remained until the 50th regiment was ordered home. He participated in the siege of Port Hudson ; was then attached to General Dudley's staff and ordered down the Mississippi River to Bayou LaFourcheon an expedi- tion to Brashear City ; was in the disastrous engagement at Donaldsonville, and was mustered out about one year from the time of enlistment. FOX, James AUGUSTUS, son of George Howe and Emily (Wyatt) fox, was born in Boston, August 11, 1827. He traces his ancestry to prominent English ami Scotch families; on the paternal side to one in Lincolnshire, England, which in- cluded the author of the celebrated " book of Martyrs ;" and on the maternal to the Scotch family of Forbes, represented in the State by lion. John M. Forbes anil lion. Lincoln F. Brigham, Chief Justice of the superior court of Massachusetts. lbs academical education was attained in the public schools of Boston, after which his studies were in the line of his chosen profession, and were pursued in the law- school of I larvard I 'nivcrsitv and the office of the late Hon. John C. Park. He was admitted to the Suffolk bar in 1854. In 184.S he married Julia Elisabeth, daughter of Col. lames anil Julia (Sterry) Valentine, of Providence, R. I., and the grand-daughter of William and Elisabeth (Borden) Valentine, of Fall River. Her grandfather was one of the original pro- jectors of the extensive manufacturing en- terprises of that city. She died in [872 leaving three daughters: Henrietta, Julia and Lillian. He continued in practice until the out break of the war of the rebellion in [861, which found him as captain of the boston City Guard in the militia of the State, and his company became the nucleus of the 13th regiment of Massachusetts volunteers He Kit with his command for the I rout. July 29, 1861. Captain Fox served in the perilous campaigns in Virginia during the remainder of that year and 111 1862, receiv- ing the warm commendation of his superior Officers, and the respect anil love of the men of his command. He was early a member of the Military Order Of the Loyal Legion of the United Slates, anil an active comrade of the G. . R., and in his Memorial Day addresses on