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12 ALLEN. ALLEN. Professor Allen was married in Cam- bridge, 1872, to Elizabeth Kent, daughter of Rev. Dr. John S. and Mary (Kent) Stone. Of this union are two children : Henry Van Dyke and John Stone Allen. Professor Allen is the author of Prince- ton Review Articles, 1882, entitled "Re- naissance of Theology in the Nineteenth Century," " The Continuity of Christian Thought, a Study of Modern Theology in the Light of its History," 18S4 (Hough- ton, Mifflin & Co.), and "Life of Jonathan Edwards," 1889 (Houghton, Mifflin & Co.). He received the degree of D. D. from Kenyon College, 187 8, and from Harvard College, 1886. He was elected a member of the Massachusetts Historical Society, 18S6. ALLEN, CHARLES, son of Sylvester and Harriet (Ripley) Allen, was born in Greenfield, Franklin county, April 17, 1S27. He was graduated from Harvard in the class of 1847. He was admitted to the bar in 1850. He practiced law in Greenfield until 1862, and then moved to Boston. He was appointed by Governor John D. Long justice of the supreme judicial court, which position he now holds. Judge Allen was reporter of decisions of the supreme judicial court from 1861 to 1867. He was attorney-general of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts 1867 to 1872. In 1880 he was appointed one of the commissioners to revise the general statutes. Judge Allen was never married. ALLEN, CHARLES H., son of Zenas and Caroline (Randall) Allen, was born in Boston, June 14, 1S28. He received his early educational train- ing in the public schools of Boston. He began his business life as youngest boy in a dry-goods jobbing store. Subse- quently he became book-keeper for Fran- cis Skinner & Co., commission merchants engaged in selling cotton and woolen fabrics for manufacturers ; afterward a member of the firm of Leland, Allen & Bates in the same business. He is now president of the Central National Bank of Boston, also of the Home Savings Bank. Mr. Allen was married in New Ipswich, N. H., July 2, 1S49, to Caroline F., daugh- ter of George and Caroline ( Muzzey ) San- ders. Of this union are two children : Charles F. and Francis S. Allen. Mr. Allen was a member of the Mercan- tile Library Association and a member of its government from 1846 to 1853, being elected its president in 185 1 ; member of the common council of Boston iS67-'68, the last year acting as its president ; mem- ber of the Cochituate water board of Boston 1869 to 1872, serving as presi- dent of the board 187 1 and '72 ; member of the House of Representatives 1878 and '80 ; member of the state Senate 1881 and '82 ; member of the board of aldermen of Boston 1885-88; elected as chair- man of the board in 1886 and again in 18S8. From 1855 to i860 Mr. Allen was an active member and lieutenant of the famous Boston Light Infantry. Mr. Allen has filled a well-rounded career of official life, and has honorably earned the respite he now claims from such responsibilities. In all public emer- gencies, however, he is ever ready with wise counsel and practical support to lend his friendly aid, and the public have come to look to him with others as fitting repre- sentatives of their sympathy and natural almoners of their bounty. ALLEN, Charles Herbert, son of Otis and Louisa (Bixby) Allen, was born in Lowell, Middlesex county, April 15, 1848. He was educated in the public schools of his native city; prepared for college, CHARLES H. ALLEN. entered Amherst, from which he was gradu- ated in the class of 1S69, receiving his A. M. in course in 1S72.