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GIBBI INS. Gil- !•'< )]<[>. 247 and lias been an honorary member of the same since 1887. Mr. Gerry is the author of a hook of poems, entitled "Meadow Melodies," a work which has received very high com- mendation from the press. He was married at Sanbornton Bridge (now Tilton), X. II., June 5, 1852,10 Miss Martha A. Clough, a lady who a few months after graduating at the New Hampshire Female College, won a prize of five hundred dollars offered by a Bos- ton publisher. She was afterwards for sev- eral years editress of the "Boston Olive Branch." They have four children : Charles C, Eleanor M., Frank F., and Gilbert H. GIBBONS, JOHN M., son of Carlos and Almira (Tinker) Gibbons, was born in Granville, Hampden county, November 15. 1883. His early education was limited to the country district school. He began business life for himself in 1S51 as a merchant, and has continued in the same line up to date. He has been thirty-eight years in busi- ness. He has been town clerk, and treas- urer for sixteen years, still holding the latter office; was assistant-postmaster fif- teen years at East Granville and Granville Corners, and postmaster, from the estab- lishing of the Granville post-office to the present time. He was a member of the House of Representatives from the iith Representative district of Hampden county, in 1876. Mr. Gibbons was married in Granville, February 25, 1854, to Morand M., daugh- ter of Solomon and Nancy (Godard) Gains. Of this union were seven children : El- bert S., Clarabell E. (deceased), Edwin M., Myra 1)., Fred X., William C, and Benjamin F. Gibbons. G1DDINGS, Theodore, third son of Augustine and Olive (Lydia) Giddings, was bom in Great Barrington, Berkshire county, December 5, [837, and was cdu- cated in the public schools and at the academy of his native town. Alter teaching fur several vcars in the state of Xew Jersey and 111 Xew York City, he studied medicine at the Collegeof Physicians and Surgeons, in that city, grad- uating in 1868, and immediately entered upon the practice of his profession at Housatonic. He is a member of the Berkshire District Medical Society, of the Massachusetts Medical Society, and of the American Medical Association. In [886 he was elected to the lower branch of the Legislature, serving upon the committee on public health, as House chairman. In 1888 he was again elected to the Legislature, being assigned to the committee on drainage. Dr. Giddings is a man well known in Berkshire county, active, energetic and affable — a successful physician, and a man of high character. His residence is Great Barrington. G1FFORL), BENJAMIN DODS, son of Simeon S. anil Mariiula A. (Duds) Gilford, (daughter of Rev. John Bovee Dods), was born in Provincetown, Barnstable county, Nov. K), 1 84 1. He obtained his education in the public schools, YVestbrook Seminary, Maine, and Eagleswood school, Perth Ainboy, N. J. He entered Antioch College in 18C0, and was graduated from Madison University, X. V., in the class of 1864; took the de- gree of doctor of medicine from Albany Medical College in December, 1866, and A. M., in 1867 ; had charge of Union Academy, Belleville, X. V., one year after completing his college course. He practiced medicine in Fond du Lac, Wis., and in Gloucester, Mass., till Febru- ary, 1871, when he located in Chatham, where he has since resided. Dr. Gilford was married in Oswego, X. Y., Decembei'31, 1865, to Mary E. Smith, of Ballston Spa, X. Y., daughter of William 1'. and Lydia P. (Dennis) Smith. Of this union are two children : Marinda B. and Romenia I >. Gilford. Dr. Gilford has been president of the Barnstable District Medical Society, was editor of the " Chatham Monitor " from its foundation till 1874; was deputy-collector of customs under the Hayes and Arthur administrations ; and was appointed post- master of Chatham in [889. Dr. Gilford was private secretary and cashier for Col. J. C. Van Duzer from July, 1865, to August, 1866, headquarters of the L. S. military telegraph lines at Nashville, Tenn. lie is a prominent Mason, and estab- lished St. Martin's Lodge, A. F. & A. M., in Chatham, of which he has been live tunes elected master. He has been connected with the editorial department of the " Barnstable Patriot " for many years. G1FFORD, Orrin Phillip, son of Phillip R. and Parthenia (Perkins) Gilford, was born in Montague, Franklin county, April 15, i8 47 . He obtained his early educational train- ing in the public and private schools, and