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ALLEN. ALLEN. '5 tng Thomas Clark, Chelmsford ; John Hancock, Lexington ; Nicholas Bowes, Bedford ; Jonas Clark, Lexington ; Henry Ware, Hingham; Joseph Allen, Northbor- ough. The Allen family has been remark- able for the number of teachers and preachers born to the blood. The early education of the subject of our sketch was received in district schools and country occupations until the age of thirteen. He entered Harvard College at sixteen, having had little or no regular preparatory instruction, and was graduated in 1840, third in his class — the first rank being held bv Prof. John B. Henck, the JOSEPH H ALLEN. second by Judge George P. Sanger. Graduating from the Harvard divinity school in 1843, he was settled as minister of the Third parish in Roxbury (Jamaica Plain), 1843, in Washington, D. C., 1847, and in Bangor, Me., 1850. Leaving Ban- gor in 1857, he was till 1863 engaged in private instruction at Jamaica Plain, then till 1866 in a parish charge in North- borough ; since 1867 he has resided at Cambridge. He was for twelve years (until its dis- continuance at the end of 1869) connected with the " Christian Examiner" as literary editor, editor-in-chief, and joint proprie- tor ; then for eight years engaged in pri- vate tuition, and in editing the " Allen & Greenough Classical Series" (Ginn & Co., Boston). In 1877 and '78 he had charge of the Unitarian church at Ann Arbor, Mich., and was then appointed lecturer on ecclesiastical history in Harvard Univer- sity, which post he held till 1882. In 1883 and '84 he was engaged in profes- sional work in Ithaca. N. Y., spent part of 1885 in California, and has since 1887 been editor of the "Unitarian Review" (George H. Ellis, Boston). He was, in August, 1881, delegate of the American and of the British and Foreign Unitarian Associations, at the session of the supreme consistory of the Unitarian churches of Hungary, held in KolozsVar (Klausenburg), Transylvania. Besides various fugitive addresses and reviews, including a series of articles on national questions written for the " Chris- tian Examiner" during the civil war, his published volumes are : "Ten Discourses on Orthodoxy" (1849, second edition, 1889), " Memorial of Hiram Withington" (1S49), "The Great Controversy of States and People" (185 1), " Hebrew Men and Times, from the Patriarchs to the Messiah " (1861, second edition, with critical intro- duction, 1S79, Roberts Brothers), " Frag- ments of Christian History to the Found- ing of the Holy Roman Empire " (18S0), " Our Liberal Movement in Theology " (1882), " Christian History in Its Three Great Periods" (3 volumes, 1883), "Out- line of Christian History, A. D 50-1S80" (1884), and the "Allen & Greenough Classical Series." Prof. Allen was married in May, 1845, to Anna Minot Weld, a descendant of Thomas Welde, first minister of Roxbury, and sister of the late Hon. Stephen M. Weld. Of this union are five children : Richard Minot (Ames, Neb.), Gardner Weld (M. D., Boston), Russell Carpenter (El Cajon, So. California), Lucy Clark (Mrs. Charles S. Gage), and Mary Ware. ALLEN, MONTRESSOR TYLER, son of George W. and Mary L. (Tyler) Allen, was born in Woburn, Middlesex county, May 20, 1844. His education embraced the instruction and training of public schools, Warren Academy, private tutors, a special course in Boston University, and a full legal course in the Boston University law school, having been graduated from the latter institution in the class of 1878. From 1S67 to 1S70 Mr. Allen was en- gaged in mercantile work at Woburn. Previous to this, he had seen a short term