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HOOKER. HOPKINS. ?2I HOOKER, HENRY, son of William and Octavia (Hale) Hooker, was born in West- field, Hampden county, June 27, 1820. He attended the district school until ten years of age, then four years in the West- field Academy, of which Rev. Emerson Davis was principal. At the age of fifteen years he was inden- tured until his majority to the Phoenix Bank of Hartford, Conn. He was in the employ of that bank twelve years, serving through the various grades of clerkship. In August, 1847, he received the appoint- ment of cashier of the Mahaiwe Bank of Great Barrington, which office he held till August, 185 1, when he resigned it to ac- cept a similar position in the West field bank. In 1864 this bank was merged with the First National Bank, to the cashiership of which he succeeded, which position he still holds. He is now, and has been since its organization, the treasurer of the Bay State Beneficiary Association. Mr. Hooker was married in Greenfield, October 10, 1844, to Sarah, daughter of Richardson and Sybilla (Hale) Hall. Of this union are two children : Charles Hall Hooker (now with Kidder, Peabody & Co., Boston), and Lucy Ashman Hooker (now Mrs. John Cotton Eastman, New Haven, Conn.). Mr. Hooker has been treasurer of the Second Congregational church of Wesl- field for many years. He is a representa- tive bank cashier, devoting his life to the theory and practice of banking, having served a long series of years to the accept- ance of the public, and always secure in the confidence of bank officers and asso- ciates. He is a lineal descendant of Rev. Thomas Hooker, of Hartford, Conn. HOOPER, George Mitchell, son of Mitchell and Jane (Mitchell) Hooper, was born in Bridgewater, Plymouth county, September 1, 183S. After his district school preparation he attended Bridgewater Academy, and Pierce Academy, Middleborough. He was grad- uated from the Bridgewater state normal school, February 17, 1S57. In 1859 he first engaged in business as a manufacturer of brick. He is still inter- ested in the business. Mr. Hooper was married in Bridgewa- ter, October 17, 1861, to Mary Edes, daughter of Hervey and Elizabeth H. (Tallman) Josselyn. His second marriage was with Catherine, daughter of Edward and Margaret Mitchell, in Bridgewater, January 15, 1889. He has had eight chil- dren, six of whom survive : Jane Mitchell, Louise Guild, George Mitchell, Frederick Warren, Mary Edes and Mitchell Hooper. The fifth and sixth in order of birth, Har- rison Keith and Theodore Wright Hooper, are deceased. Mr. Hooper has been a member of the school board, trustee of the public library, treasurer of Plymouth County Agricultural Society ; clerk and trustee of Bridgewater Savings Bank, and was a member of the House of Representatives in 1S88. HOPKINS, James Hughes, son of Smith K. and Mary A. (Hughes) Hopkins, was born in North Truro, Barnstable county, February 20, iS6r. After attending the public schools of Truro, he passed through the Prescott grammar school, Somerville, and was grad- uated from the Somerville high school in the class of 1878. He then entered Har- vard College, from which he was graduated in the class of 1882. JAMES H HOPKINS. After graduating he engaged in teach- ing in Eastham and Barnstable, 1882 and '83, and until February, 1884. He chose the profession of law, and was admitted to practice in October, 1883. He began practice in New Bedford, February, 1884, but removed to Province- town in June of the same year, where he has since continued in practice. He also