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NORTON. HORTON. 3 2 3 HORTON, EVERETT S., son of Gideon M. and Mary (Smith) Horton, was born in Attleborongh, Bristol county, June 15, 1836. Public schools and a private academy furnished his advantages for an education. He entered a country store with his father, and succeeded him in the business. After the war of the rebellion he was en- gaged as salesman in the largest whole- sale house in groceries, flour, etc., in Provi- dence, R. I., and remained there fifteen years. In 18S0 he entered the jewelry manu- facturing establishment of his brother, tak- ing the place of a brother deceased. He continued in this line of industry, becom- ing senior member of the firm of Horton, Angell & Co., Attleborough. Mr. Horton was first married in Attle- borough, June 12, 1861, to Mary Ann, daughter of Jesse and Mary (More) Car- penter. He was married the second time, September 24, 1873, to Eliza B., daughter of Horace and Rahanna (Ordway) Free- mont. Of the first marriage is Mary Edith Horton, and of the second, Gertie E. Horton. In the war of the rebellion Mr. Horton was lieutenant and captain in the 47th regiment, Massachusetts volunteers, and 2d lieutenant, captain, and major in the 58th Massachusetts. He was taken prisoner September 30, T864, and paroled February 22, 1865. He was confined in Libby Prison, in Salisbury, N. C, and in Dan- ville, Ya. Mr. Horton is one of the directors of the Attleborough Savings and Loan Associa- tion, and president of the public library. He is one of the trustees of the Richardson school fund, and an officer in several com- mercial and social organizations. He is always active in any public or private en- terprise that aids in building up the town and ministers to its welfare. He is a member of the G. A. R. Post 145, the Military Order of the Loyal Legion, and the Masonic fraternity, being a Mason of the 32d degree. Mr. Horton is a staunch Republican, and an active worker in the ranks of that party. HORTON, Nathaniel Augustus, son of Nathaniel and Martha (Very) Horton, was born in Salem, Essex county, where he has always resided, April 16, 1830. He was educated in the public schools of Salem, graduating at the English high school March 6, 1846 On the 23d of the same month he entered the office of the "Salem Gazette" — then published by Caleb Foote and William Brown — and served a regular apprenticeship until he was twenty-one. In January, 1854 (Mr. Brown having left the office to take a public position under the administration of Zachary Taylor), Mr. Horton was admitted as a partner with Mr. Foote, which position he retained until the latter retired from the business, October 1, rSS8. At that time Mr. Horton took his son, William A. Horton, into part- nership, and the business is now continued under the title of N. A. Horton & Son. June 20, 1854, Mr. Horton married Harriet Maria, daughter of Nathaniel G. NATHANIEL A HORTON and Harriet (Fillebrown) Symonds. Their three children were : Martha Osgood (wife of Henry M. Batchelder), George Nathan- iel (who died in childhood), and William Augustus, junior member of the present " Salem Gazette " firm. Mr. Horton has always taken a warm interest in public affairs. He was in sympathy with the Whig party, casting his first presidential vote for Winfield Scott, in 1852. Upon the dissolution of that party, he joined with those who formed the Republican party, and has since been uniformly identified with that political organization, though his party affiliations have never been strong enough to prevent