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33^ HYDE. HYDE. No. 76 in 1876 ; became past grand in 1889 ; was made district deputy grand master over district 31, in 1SS0 ; was re- appointed, but declined the honor. He was a charter member of Webster Council, No. 451, Royal Arcanum, in 18S0 ; was past regent in 1882 ; installing officer, that and the following year. In 1884 he was appointed district deputy grand regent, and was re-appointed in 1885. In 1888 he was appointed deputy over district 39, and in 1889, over district 4. Mr. Huxford has never been active in politics, but he has given much time to social, literary and charitable organizations in a line more consonant to his tastes. He was raised to the sublime degree of master Mason in Norfolk Union Lodge, F. & A. M., of Randolph, May 19, 5880. He has 'recently been appointed D. D. G. M. over district 4 for 1889 and '90. .HYDE, Henry Stanley, son of Oliver M. and Julia Ann (Sprague) Hyde, was born at Mount Hope, Orange county, N. Y., August 18, 1837. Very early in life HENRY S. HYDE. he was taken to Detroit, Mich., where he was educated in private schools, and began business life as a clerk in a Detroit bank- ing house. He afterward studied law and removed to Springfield, Mass., in 1862, where he became treasurer of the Wason Manufac- turing Company, car-builders. In 1870 he was chosen president of the Agawam National Bank, which position he still holds He is also president of the E. Stebbins Manufacturing Company, a prosperous corporation ; vice-president of the Hampden Savings Bank, and of the New England Telephone & Telegraph Company ; director in the Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company, the Bos- ton Electric Light Company, Riverside Paper Company, and several other corpora- tions. He is also treasurer of the Spring- field Steam Power Company. In politics Mr. Hyde has held office in the city government of Springfield as coun- cilman and alderman. He has represented his district as state senator, and has been a member of the Republican state central committee and the national Republican committee. In 1884 and '88 he was dele- gate to the national Republican conven- tions at Chicago. On the 4th of December, i860, Mr. Hyde was married in Springfield, to Jennie S. Wason. Their children are : Jerome W., Henry S., Thomas W., and Fayolin Hyde. HYDE, James Francis Clarke, was born in Newton, Middlesex county, July 26, 1S25. He descends in a direct line, through both his parents, from the early settlers of that ancient town. His first education was principally acquired in the schools of the town. In early manhood he was engaged in the nursery business and general farming, but for the last forty years has been engaged in the auction, real estate and insurance business in New- ton and Boston, in which he has been quite successful. His energy of character and administra- tive talent Drought him, at an early age, to the notice of the public. For fifteen years he served his townsmen as one of their selectmen. He was selected as mod- erator of nearly all their town meetings for twenty-two years, and for several years elected a member of the school committee. He represented his town in the Legisla- ture, as a member of the House, two years, and was a member of the state board of agriculture, and also president of the Mas- sachusetts Horticultural Society. He is a director in several insurance companies, and is, and has been for a long time, promi- nently connected with the Newton Savings Bank, and was for several years a director in the Newton National Bank. He has also been agricultural editor for many