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33§ JENNINGS. JEWETT. Fall River, and began reading law ; en- tered Boston University law school Janu- ary, 1875, and was graduated with the degree of LL. B. in May, 1876 ; was immediately admitted to the bar in Bristol count)', and formed a partnership with Mr. Morton, Fall River, June 1, 1876, under the firm name of Morton & Jennings, which connection is still retained. Mr. Jennings was married in Warren, R. L, December 25, 1879, to Marion G., only daughter of Captain Seth and Nancy I. (Bosworth) Saunders. Of this union are two children : Oliver Saunders and Marion Jennings. ANDREW J. JENNINGS. Mr. Jennings has served three years on the Fall River school board ; two years in the House of Representatives, i878and'79; one term in the Senate, 1882 ; was a mem- ber of the judiciary committee both years in the House, and also in the Senate, and was chairman of the joint special committee on the removal of Judge Day by address in 1882. He has been for several years clerk of the Second Baptist society of Fall River, and is one of the trustees of Brown University. Mr. Jennings was active in securing the passage of the civil damage law in the House, and introduced the school-house liquor law in the Senate. Mr. Jennings is a natural orator, of pleas- ing address and forcible delivery. He is courteous in debate, and is always a wel- come speaker on public occasions during campaigns. He was selected to deliver the memorial oration for the city of Fall River on the day of General Grant's funeral, JEWETT, ALBERT G., son of Enoch and Lucy (Dewey) Jewett, was born in Northampton, Franklin county, May 24 1825. He obtained his educational training in the common schools. His first connection in business was with Francis Loud, as builder, in 1852. In 1864 he opened a general country store. Four years later he went to Cleveland, O., and engaged in building. In 1885 he was a manufacturer in Iowa. His present occupation is building, town business, settling estates, negotiating loans, and in- surance. His residence is Westhampton. Mr. Jewett was married in Westhampton, January 29, 1850, to Vileria A., daughter of Francis and Paulina (Parsons) Loud. They have six children : Frances A., Louisa E., Charles F., Emily B. (deceased in 1864), Albert D., and Julia L. Jewett. Mr. Jewett is a deacon of the Congrega- tional church, clerk of the parish, justice of the peace ; has been selectman, assessor and overseer of the poor seventeen years (chairman of the board fifteen years), and was a representative in the Legislature in 1881. JEWETT, FRANCIS, son of Isaac and Nancy P. (Parker) Jewett, was born 111 Nelson, Cheshire county, N. H., September 19, 1820. He passed through the common and high school at Nelson, and finished his educational training at the Baptist Semi- nary, Hancock, N. H. He began his business career on a farm in his native town, but in 1852 he began the business of slaughtering cattle in Mid- dlesex Village, now a part of Lowell. He continued this business until 1877, when he formed a co-partnership with E. C. Swift, in the commission business, handling Chicago dressed-beef, continuing the busi- ness up to the present time. Mr. Jewett was married in Stoddard, N. H., April 4, 1844, to Selina A., daughter of Rufus and Chloe (Dunn) Dodge. Of this union are two children : Abner A. and Frank E. Jewett. Mr. Jewett was three years captain of the Nelson Rifles, Nelson, N. H., and selectman in 1848.