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35o KEITH. KlilTII. committee for some years, and in 18S9 was chosen one of the selectmen of Stone- ham, where he resides. KEITH, GEORGE E., son of Franklin Keith, was born in Brockton, Plymouth county, February 8, 1850. He attended the common schools of his native town, working mornings and even- ings, during the time, in his father's shoe factory. Finishing his high school studies, he fol- lowed his trade until 1874, when he started in business for himself as a shoe manufact- urer, which he has since followed, without change. Mr. Keith was married in Whitman, October, 1877, to Anna G., daughter of Hon. VVm. L. Reed. Of this union are two children : Eldon B. and Harold C. Keith. Mr. Keith has been called upon to serve his city as alderman, is president of the Loan Fund Bank, director in. the Brock- ton National Bank, and holds the same position in the Brockton Savings Bank. He is president of the Y. M. C. A., and holds his church connections with the Congregational church. His success in business is shown by an increase in number of employees since 1S74, when he began with twenty. He now employs five hundred, and is the largest manufacturer of shoes in the city oi Brockton. KEITH, ISAAC Newton, son of Isaac and Delia B. Keith, was born in West Sandwich, Barnstable county, November 14, 1838. He received his early education in the public schools of Sandwich. He learned the business of telegraphy, and worked two years as operator. He was superin- tendent of the American Telegraph Com- pany, Cape Cod and Cape Ann districts, seven years, with headquarters in Boston. In October, 1867, he began business as a manufacturer of railway cars, two years with Isaac Keith & Sons, eight years under the linn name of H. T. & I. N. Keith, and ten years as the Keith Manu- facturing Company, Isaac N. Keith, sole proprietor. Mr. Keith was married in Provincetown, September 7, 1S65, to Eliza Frances, daughter of Eben S. and Adeline Smith. Of this union are two children : Adeline Eloise and Eben Sturgis Smith Keith. Mr. Keith was called to serve the Com- monwealth as representative to the Gen- eral Court, 1875 an d '76, an d was elected to the state Senate, 1887 and '88, from the Cape district. He was prominent in the division of the town of Sandwich. That portion set off was incorporated as the town of Bourne, April 2, 1884. ISAAC N. KEITH. In 1889 Mr. Keith served as an influen- tial member of the executive council of Governor Ames. KEITH, LAFAYETTE, son of Solomon and Lucinda (Keith) Keith, was born October 21, 1824, in Bridgewater, Plym- outh county. He received a common school education, supplemented by a limited attendance at Bridgewater Academy. In 1X41, being seventeen years of age, he decided to learn the trade of carpenter, and followed the business until 1854. In 1S54 he was appointed postmaster at Bridgewater, holding the position until 1862, when he was appointed assistant assessor of internal revenue. This office was changed to deputy collector of in- ternal revenue, May 20, 1873. He has retained the office through several changes of administration, and still holds the posi- tion. Mr. Keith was married at the St. Nicholas Hotel, New York, April 13, 1858, to Mary K., daughter of Oliver and Diana Eaton,