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KIMBALL KING. 357 son from being trustee for two savings banks at the same time. He was for ten years director of the Lowell & Lawrence R. R., also Salem & Lowell R. R. five years, until both these roads were absorbed by the Boston & Lowell R. R. He is treasurer of the Mon- son R. R. (Maine); also treasurer of the Ministry at Large in Lowell. He has been a director of the Traders' & Mechanics' Insurance Company of Lowell for six years. Mr. Kimball's life has been a busy one, but since his connection with the bank, several prolonged vacations have resulted in extensive travel in this country and Europe. KIMBALL, William Washington, son of William M. and Abigail (Jones) Kim- ball, was born September 30, 1835, in Massena, St. Lawrence county, N. Y. He was educated in the public schools of that county, and was graduated from the state normal school at Albany, N. Y., in 1856. He was engaged in teaching in the public schools at Whitesborough, Oneida county, N. Y., from 1856 to 1S5S. He then was employed in the house of John P. Squire & Co., Boston, and became a member of that firm in September, 1S60. In 1873 he retired from active business and passed three years in recreation and travel. In 1876 he founded the house of W. V. Kimball & Co., provisions and steamer supplies, Boston, which still con- tinues to do a large and prosperous busi- ness. In January, 1879, he was elected president of the Fourth National Bank of Boston, which position he still holds. Mr. Kimball was married in West Cam- bridge (now Arlington), November 18, i860, to Nancie Boynton, daughter of Gad and Sarah (Kimball) Orvis. Of this union were three children, of whom but one is living : George W. Kimball. Mr. Kimball still retains his membership in the Park Street church of Boston, although his residence is in Arlington. KING, GEORGE, was born in Roches- ter, Plymouth county, July 5, 1822, and was educated in the public schools of the Commonwealth, with the exception of a four years' academic course. During this time and the year subsequent, he taught school in his own and adjoining towns. During a three years' course of the study of medicine he attended lectures at the medical college in Pittsfield, also two full courses of lectures at the College of Phy- sicians and Surgeons, New York City, from which he graduated in 1847. Dr. King practiced medicine and surgery in the town of Middleborough from 1847 to '57, then removed to his present place of residence, Franklin, where he has since practiced, with the exception of nearly three years in which he held a surgeon's commission in the army. Dr. King was married October 13, 1852, in Middleborough, to Lucy A., daughter of William S. Eddy. Of this union are two children, now living : Jennie M. and Frances E. King. Dr. King is a member of the Republican town committee, and of the Franklin Im- provement Society, and has been twelve years member of the school committee, having at different times held the position of chairman. In the army he was assist- ant-surgeon, 1 6th regiment, Massachusetts volunteers, and afterward surgeon of the 29th regiment. He has been a director of the Benjamin Franklin Savings Bank in Franklin, and is a director of the Franklin Library Association. He is a member of the Massachusetts Medical Society, also the Norfolk county and Thurber Medical Society. Dr. King is interested in every progres- sive movement, and is a prominent temper- ance man, beina; a member of the Massa-