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KINGSBURY. KINGSLEY. 359 the ist district court of Plymouth county, November 12, 1878. He was elected com- missioner of insolvency in 1884, and every year since, until this was prohibited by his holding his present position of district at- torney. Mr. Kingman is a prominent member of the order of Free Masonry. In September, 1S62, he accompanied his regiment to Newbern, N. C. December, 1862, he was detailed on signal service, and went to Port Royal, S. C, thence to Folly Island, Charleston Harbor, and on June 22, 1863, was mustered out of the service. KINGSBURY, ALBERT DEXTER, son of John Wright and Elizabeth Ann (TJpham) Kingsbury, was born in Brookline, Norfolk county, November 8, 1842. He attended the public schools of New- ton ; prepared for college at Fisk's Acad- emy, Newton. July, 1S62, he enlisted in company K, 32d Massachusetts volun- teers, for three years. After the battle of Gettysburg, July, 1863, he was detailed on staff duty at headquarters, 5th army corps, and served till the close of the war, 1865. He was elected the first commander of Galen Orr Post No. 181, G. A. R., and re- elected to a second term. He studied medicine at the Georgetown Medical College, D. C, and was graduated M. U., March, 1S69. In May, 1869, he was appointed house physician of Howard University Hospital, D. C, which office he filled in connection with his private prac- tice till the fall of 1870, when he was sum- moned home by the death of his father. January, 187 1, he established himself in practice in Needham, where he has re- mained up to the present time. Dr. Kingsbury was married in Boston, June 2, 1875, to Julia Emma, daughter of Edmond B. and Charlotte (Folsom) Fow- ler. Of this union are two children : Char- lotte Hatch and Alberta Beatrice Kings- bury. Dr. Kingsbury was one of the trustees of the Appleton Temporary Home, and its visiting physician and surgeon ; has been the superintendent of the Sabbath-school ; chairman of the parish committee of the Congregational society ; one of the state medical examiners ; chairman of the town board of health for three years, declining a re-election on the board. He is a mem- ber of the Massachusetts Medical Society, having been elected a counselor of the society for three successive years. He was appointed by the state board of health, correspondent for the board for the towns of Needham and Dover. Dr. Kings- bury has never become engrossed in poli- tics, but has confined himself to his large and growing practice. He is a staunch temperance man. He belongs to the Masonic and Odd Fellow fraternities, and is interested in several co- operative orders. He is a public-spirited citizen, always supporting" and frequently leading in movements tending to the im- provement of the town. He was chairman of the committee of citizens appointed by the town to erect a new railroad station in connection with the New York & New ALBERT D KINGSBURY. England Railroad Company. Pie has him- self built one of the largest blocks of Need- ham, and is active in the development of its material prosperity. KINGSLEY, Chester Ward, son of Moses and Mary Kingsley, was born in Brighton, Suffolk county, June 9, 1S24. In the common schools of his native place were passed the first few years of his school life. Left fatherless at the early age of four years, Mr. Kingsley when only ten years old was thrown upon his own resources, and spent five years in the wilds of Michigan. He then returned to Brighton, and finished his school life in the common and high schools of that town, afterwards learning the carpenter's trade. This not