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368 LAWRENCE. LAWRENCE. His works are : a " Cantata for the recep- tion of the Princess Louise at Quebec," 1878 ; operas of " La Veuve" and " T. & Q." a symphony ; offertory for solo, chorus, organ and orchestra ; twelve etudes for piano ; mass in D minor for soprano, con- tralto, tenor, bass, chorus and orchestra ; concerto for piano and orchestra ; miscel- laneous works for piano ; string quartettes ; an oratorio, songs, etc. Mr. Lavallee was married in Lowell, December 21, 1867, to Josephine, daughter of Francois and Elizabeth (Randolph) de Gentilly. They have a son : Raoul. LAWRENCE, ASA S., the son of Asa and Betsey (Bennett) Lawrence, of Groton, and a descendant of Captain Asa Lawrence of revolutionary fame, was born in Groton, Middlesex county, May 10, 1820. He received his education in the com- mon schools in Groton ; worked on his father's farm during his minority, and afterwards continued in the same vocation. ASA S. LAWRENCE. He was appointed a deputy sheriff for the county of Middlesex, in the year 185 1, and still holds a commission as such ; was appointed an assistant assessor for the 7th congressional district during the war of the rebellion ; was appointed a justice of the peace for the county of Middlesex many years ago, and still holds a commission ; was coroner for the county of Middlesex many years, also a notary public. Mr. Lawrence was a member of the state Legislature in 1877, serving on the com- mittee on claims ; he was also a member of the Legislature in 1881, and served on the prison committee. He was a member of the Republican state central committee for two years. He was chairman of the board of selectmen, assessors and over- seers of the poor of the town of Groton for ten consecutive years ; was collector of taxes for twenty-five years, and has held other town offices at various times. He was a member of the Groton Artillery for many years, and was commissioned as captain. He is a member of the Groton Farmers' and Mechanics' Club, and has been its secretary for fifteen consecutive years, also a charter member of the Groton Grange and one of its officers. Mr. Lawrence was married in April, 1854, to Agnes B., daughter of Jacob and Betsey (Davis) Pollard, who died in March, 1861. His second marriage occurred in November, 1870, to Mrs. Jennie E. Pol- lard, daughter of Deacon Nathaniel and Lydia K. (Hills) Davis, of Groton. Mr. Lawrence has one child : William A. Law- rence. LAWRENCE, SAMUEL CROCKER, son of Daniel and Elizabeth (Crocker) Law- rence, was born in Medford, Middlesex county, November 22, 1832. His early education was obtained in the public schools of Medford, Lawrence Acad- emy, Groton, and by private study at night. He entered Harvard University in 185 1 and graduated with honors in the class of 1855. For two years after graduation he was a partner in the banking firm of Bigelow & Lawrence of Chicago, and then, at the de- sire of his father, returned to his native place, to engage in business with him as one of the firm of Daniel Lawrence & Sons, distillers, of which he has for many years been the sole partner. On the 28th of April, TS59, at Charles- town, he was married to Caroline Rebecca, daughter of Rev. William and Rebecca (Taylor) Badger. They have two children : William Badger and Louise Lawrence. Mr. Lawrence is a descendant in the twenty-fourth generation from one Robert Lawrence of Lancashire, England, who was knighted by Richard Cceur de Lion, A. I). 1 191, in the war of the crusades, as " Sir Robert of Ashton Hall, for distinguishing himself in the siege of Acre." Having a fondness for the military, he was commissioned lieutenant in the Massa-